Chapter 5: The 'first date'?

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Ochaco POV

Will Deku think I'm weird if I'm their first? It's ladylike right? No Ochaco, this isn't a date, GET THAT IN YOUR HEAD.
I open the door to exit the building, and in the distance someone else is waiting at the front gates. This guy had a really good fashion sense, but if I've learnt anything about my time at UA, it's to never judge a book by its cov-
The boy had turned around, AND IT WAS DEKU! Woah, I didn't know he had such good taste in clothing. I've never seen him wear much other than his usual grey top and All Might merchandise (which is surprisingly cute) and he looks incredible.
As I get closer towards him he looks embarrassed? His whole face was slowly turning a different colour. HAVE I OVERDRESSED?

Then, a moment I still do treasure happened.

"You look stunning,".

HE SAID WHAT. And it wasn't the usual nervous Deku. It came straight out, no stuttering at all. That was so hot what the hell. DEKU? HOT? HOW? Sweet dorky Deku? I have to be dreaming, no way this is real.

Deku then proceeds to starts sweating like crazy and his face goes so red it looks like he has a tomato mutation quirk.

Oh wait never mind, it's still Deku.

"T-Thank y-you D-Dek-u" I say, still processing what just happened

"Do y-you w-wa-want to st-start heading t-there n-n-now...?", he says, seeming desperate to leave.

"Sure." I responded, with my head facing the ground.

"Let-Let's go t-then."

We start heading out of the main gates and towards the train station. We still haven't said a single word to each other since we left, it's just a bit awkward. It's a shame because it's a wonderful morning today, the sky was clear and the sun was beaming onto us.

I've got to try start a conversation with him. WITHOUT making it awkward.

3rd Person POV

"So Deku....I really like your outfit today." Ochaco said, trying her best to start something. "Where did you get everything from?".

"Oh, funny enough none of this is actually mine. Some of the boys in our class lent me this for the day."

'So he had no clothes either hmm. Well at least we're in the same boat for today.' Uraraka thought to herself.

"How about you Uraraka, you look really pret- I mean your outfit looks really good on you."

"Actually, the girls in our class lent me this as well." Uraraka let out a cute giggle.

"They've done a really good job, these clothes suit you perfectly." Deku said, complementing the girl standing before him.

"Haha, no need to flatter me Deku, to be honest I wasn't sure if it was the best choice."

'He's being so nice to me. Deku's never really been able to compliment me like this before, I mean no boy has ever said nice things like this to me before'

Uraraka got a warm, fuzzy feeling inside of her, trying not to let these emotions show to Izuku.

The day was going well for the both of the them, but this was only the beginning. They walked and chatted with one another for half an hour, discussing funny moments of what had happened in the past. Smiling  and laughing at each other, with the awkward silence every now and then.
The time was around mid-day when they got to the mall. Uraraka had only been here a handful of times, mostly with her friend group. Deku hadn't been here since he started at UA, but new the place inside-out due to him and Bakugo going there when they were children.

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