Chapter 4: Getting Ready

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3rd person POV

"You asked her out Midoriya!" Kirishima said as he leaned into the emerald coloured teenager, sparkles in his eyes. "That's so manly!".

Mina had told Kirishima about the great plan

"Nonononono, it's nothing like that. We're just going to the mall to help Mina throw the par-"


The door into the lounge burst open, as Kaminari, Mineta and Sero exclaimed, "MIDORIYA AKSED URARAKA ON A DATE?!"


"So playtime." Bakugo had piped up from the other side of the room, slumped on a beanbag.

The whole room erupts into laughter, the boys mocking Bakugo's comment in Deku's face, as he also chuckles, going bright red.

"Date or not, you still have to dress good for her." Kirishima pointed out.

"Don't worry Kirishima I've got plenty of clothes in my room." Deku said beaming with delight.

"All Might merchandise isn't clothing loser!" The angry Blonde yelled, cringing inside.

"Oh-". Midoriya was now contemplating whether or not to go.

"Hey dude don't worry, in celebration of your newly found manly hood me Kaminari and Bakugo will lend you some clothes." Kirishima said, looking proud of himself .


An Hour Later

"Woah thanks guys, all of this feels amazing." Deku said, feeling a bit guilty about all of this.

He was dressed up in a slightly baggy snow-white sweater, borrowed from Kaminari, and suited dark green cargo trousers that Todoroki had bought him. Bakugo had WILLINGLY given up a sleek golden chain with red accents. A green beanie which matched his trousers, and white shoes that he surprisingly already owned.

'Wow, they're doing this all for me. I mean this isn't even a date we're just going to the mall. Wait what if I look overdressed and seem weird to her. What if she thinks I'm weird, WHAT IF I LOOK BAD?'

"Hey Midoriya, you've gotta meet her outside the gates in 15 mins, better hurry up." Kaminari said, throwing finger guns at Deku, with sparks coming out his tips.

"Oh yeah, well thank you to everyone for helping me with this." Deku smiled, a genuine happy smile. Hee never experienced fun moments with his friends like this before. A moment to be treasured for a long time.

"Good luck Midoriya!!!", Everyone shouted

"Don't fuck it up Deku." Bakugo said, smirking.

Ochaco POV

A Few Hours Earlier

I'm going out with Deku today. I'm going out with Deku today. IM GOING OUT WITH DEKU TODAY.
Woah, this is a day I've been waiting to happen for ages. Me and Deku out together, with no one else. I know he said it was just to get supplies, but I just can't help to think of it as something more. What do I wear? It's got to be fancy, but not tooooo fancy. Like I don't want to make it blatantly obvious that I've tried hard.
I open my closet and search through the limited amount of clothing options I had. God there's really not much. I've already used my hood outfits this week, and they're in the wash. I HAVE NOTHING TO WEAR.

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