Eight: Saint Morseti

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I handed her both her paycheck and envelope of cashed out tips.

She looked at the check and covered her mouth in shock.

"There's no way. Is this before taxes?"

"I did the tax part for you. This is after taxes."

"Holy shit."

"Language please, Danika."

She frowned.

"Those words aren't needed in my presence."

Not until I can't make you say anything other than that.

"You're right. I'm sorry. I'm just... wow."

"You're an amazing worker. You deserve that."

"Are you sure this is minimum wage?"


No. But it's my money.

"Thank you so much for the opportunity to work for you. I'm so grateful." She seemed to be getting emotional.

My heart hammered at her tears.

I reached across and grabbed her hand.

"Breathe." I whispered, my body trembling with the physical contact she was aware of.

She sighed.

"Thank you. I'm sorry. I'm a mess." She laughed.

I sat back, removing my hand.

"You deserve it. Have a great night, Danika." I nodded and she paused.

I sat there, knowing she was feeling some familiarity.

"Everything alright?"

"Yes. Yeah." She nodded.

"Would you like security to walk you to your car? It's very late." I said.

"Uhm... yeah. That'd be nice."

I stood, we went back to the main level where the bussers were cleaning.

I pretended to look for them.

"They clocked out, Mr. Morseti." James mumbled.

"Thanks. Uhm... I can walk you out?"

"Thank you. If it wouldn't be a hassle."

"Of course not. Let's go." I walked with her, she got to her car and thanked me before getting into it and leaving.

So I clocked out and left just the same.

I went home, washed my hair and body, did my hair shit, got into my sweats.

I sat at my desk in my room, watching as she just got home.

I wish I could kiss her goodbye. It sort of hurt how she didn't know it was me.

I'm glad of course.

But this was the best way to keep her close always.

She made herself dinner.

I could have her eating so much better.

I could have her sit on my counter as I cooked beside her, making her whatever she wanted.

I had a savings account for her.

It had over $2.3 million in it.

I was a multi-billionaire as of last year.

I spread my restaurant business across the states and people will travel here just to get me to make it.

I've been on a few cooking shows. I've been a judge on a few cooking shows.

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