Five: Saint Morseti

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I pet her hair from her face.

Adjusted her curls.

She started work tomorrow.

I had us scheduled the same times.

I lifted her covers to my nose.

Her smell easing me.

I leaned down, gently kissing her face, cheeks, forehead.

I pressed my lips to hers, careful to not wake her.

But she always remained asleep.

I never could sleep this deeply.

I stood, leaving her room as I set a Tupperware in her fridge. I quietly put away her clean dishes.

I would load the dishwasher but that would wake her.

So instead I adjusted her blinds and added small cameras into her living area.

I thought our relationship progressed enough for this step.

I checked my phone, adjusting positions of them till I thought they were good enough.

I moved back into her room, grabbing her overdue bills and paying them, putting them into my bag I brought so I could mail them when I left.

Until then, I returned to her bed.

I traced all of her perfect features.

She moved, writhing under my touch.

I smiled, moving to the other side of her room, hiding myself as she sat up, her back to me, her hands running her eyes before running over her face.

She went to her bathroom and I lifted my hood over my head, pressing my hands into my hoodie pocket.

I heard her flush, wash her hands, come back, and lie down.

She stared at the ceiling and I was grateful for her blackout curtains.

She sat up, sitting with her legs crossed.

She was clearly upset and stressed.

She looked around and her eyes stopped right on me.

I smiled. Whether she saw me or not, it didn't change a thing.

But I was just as dark as the corner I stood in. So she shook her head, sighing.

"Im going fucking crazy." She groaned.

Then she checked her phone.

I hated when she cursed. She was too beautiful to speak those words unless my cock was inside of her, making her unable to say anything other than profanity and my name.

She got up and left her room again. So I moved, adjusting to the corner of her room, sitting right under her weirdly tall desk.

And she came back in, opening her blinds, looking out there for me.

Only if she knew.

Silly girl.

Stupid girl.

But nonetheless I waited until she relaxed and fell back into a deep sleep.

I got up, walking to her, kissing her lips, savoring the feeling.

I left a rose on her nightstand before leaving.


I seared the steak to the perfect temperature, coating it with garlic and butter, ensuring it was perfect before setting it on a plate, adding the lemon coated asparagus, making sure I got the final side right.

We had chefs assigned to areas. We had waiters and waitresses assigned to chefs.

I did the rooftop seats. Since that's where VIP people were. They tipped the most, therefore they expected the food from the man who made the restaurant.

So I pressed the button to have Danika brought to me.

She came inside and froze when she saw me.

"Mr. Morseti." She whispered.

I handed her the large black table tray, set all the dishes atop of it.

"Table 12."

"Yes sir." She turned, her ass amazing in the damn pants.

I went on to the next meal.

And the following, this cycle repeating of her being shocked whenever she saw me. Her obeying. Leaving. Coming back. And doing it all over again.

I timed her.

She had a 3 minute limit to leave me.

I didn't have my phone on me to check her.

I didn't take my medication anymore since I've taken our dynamic more seriously.

Therefore she cannot fucking leave me.

I set my rag down as I had my replacement chef take over for my break and replacement waitress come for Danika's.

She ran up beside me.

"You came to the art store I worked at. You tipped me the $100."

"I know." I nodded, looking down at her.

Those fucking eyes.

"All I wanted to say was thank you so much for that money. And I hoped your mom really liked the paint."

"She did. And $100 isn't much in this economy." I grabbed my Tupperware lunch from the fridge and she looked confused.

I handed her one as well.

"I made all my workers lunch today." I left to my office.

"Wait!" I turned.

"Do you know anyone who might've been stealing these from you?" She asked.

Internally I laughed.


"Nope. No one steals from me." I kept my face still as I got into the elevator.

The doors shut and I went into my office.

I began eating as she went into the break room and heated up the food.

Now this was the point in our relationship where I decided the next steps when she catches on...

I could kidnap her.

Keep her until she was obedient and knew what was best for her.

Or I could threaten her.

I'm unsure. I'll have to make a list.

If she is with me at all times my nerves will be gone. The terror and panic will leave me.

But I'll grow physically attached which to me is worse than emotional attachment.

But I don't mind that. It would only be her that cared.

We will see.

But I loved her overthinking mind.

I loved when she was confused.

It made my dick hard.

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