New Year's Eve 🎇🎉 💜

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A/N: Warning very smutty 😉 🍆 💦
Just something my Stellaride loving smutty creative mind came up with. Hope you like it. 💜

New Year's Eve is a time to reflect on the passing year and focus on the goals you'd like to achieve in the coming year. It's a time to remember all of the hardships and accomplishments you've lived through and a time to reminisce on all of the loved ones you've had by your side through everything. It's a precise moment for leaving some things in the past while embracing change and challenges. New Year's Eve also gives us the chance to reflect on the previous year, because most of us are different people than we were 365 days ago.

It was New Year's Eve at the firehouse, but it wasn't as busy as Kelly wanted it to be. There were a few calls here and there, mostly fireworks-related and icing conditions. It was cold and rainy, not the type of weather anyone wanted to be out in, but as firefighters, it was their job to go out and risk their lives to save people, even the ones who did something stupid and realized later how stupid it was. Truck was getting back-to-back calls all day, and Stella would tease Kelly every time the bells went off and it was a call for 81, not squad. She knew how bored he was, and she was loving torturing him.

Kelly was sitting at the squad table pretending to do his crossword, but his mind was on this past year. A lot has happened. He looks at Cruz, who was playing checkers with Tony. He thinks about Otis and how lost Cruz has been this year. How different the firehouse feels without him! A new year is starting tomorrow-a new year without Otis. He shakes his head as he looks down at his crossword. He smiled as he thought about the good that happened this past year. He and Stella rekindled their relationship; their bond got stronger, their connection got deeper, and their love grew tremendously full. He was happier than he's ever been.

And to top his year off, Stella moved in with him; they are actually living together, not as roommates as they once were but as lovers, as a couple. When he comes home late at night, And she's in bed asleep, he wraps his arms around her. Just to feel her breathe. Physically, psychologically, and emotionally, sleeping with someone you love is key to a good night's rest. There's something profoundly comforting and intimate about going to sleep and waking up with the one you love.

He leans back in his chair and looks over at Cruz again, who is complaining about his upcoming wedding. He feels bad for the man. Chloe is a pretty amazing person-everything Cruz wanted in a woman. But she seemed a little high maintenance when it comes to planning a wedding, she's driving Cruz insane. He laughs to himself when he thinks about Casey's comment, saying he was next. He didn't comment back; he just smirked at him. But he will admit to himself that marrying Stella has been heavily on his mind. She is everything he's ever wanted, and more when it comes to spending his life with someone.

He smiled as truck pulled back into the station. His smile disappeared when he noticed Mouch was driving, not Stella. A few seconds later, Foster and Brett pulled in as they were getting out of the truck. "She's fine." Casey said, making eye contact with Kelly, he knew Kelly was questioning why Stella wasn't driving. "There was a little accident and...

"Where is she?" Kelly asked as he jumped out of his chair. Cutting Casey off.

"We got her, Severide." Foster said as she got out of the ambulance. "She is hardheaded and stubborn. But we took care of her."

"I'm fine." She tells him as Brett helps her out of the ambulance. Kelly immediately goes to her. "It's just a second-degree burn. No biggie. Casey just made me get checked out."

"I'm glad he did." Kelly said as he looked at her arm, which was wrapped up.

"We wrapped it loosely to avoid putting pressure on the burned part of her skin. Bandaging keeps air off the area, reduces pain, and protects blistered skin." Brett, tell him. "The burn is nothing compared to being thrown across the yard."

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