Christmas Fantasy Comes True 🎄🎁

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A:N: My Christmas chapter turned into a smutty Christmas one. It's just the way my mind works, I love smutty and happy Stellaride. 😉 Hope you enjoy.

Christmas brings a time of reflection. It offers a time to ponder what is important. Seeing the lights and hearing the stillness in the air provides time to think about what matters. We seem to go at a fast pace from day to day. We all have responsibilities to do each day. There seem to be more things added to our lists of errands and to-do's. In this season, more stress can occur due to the busyness of the season. And we all could use a little more of. Less clutter. More twinkle lights. Less judging. More accepting. Less wanting. More giving.
Less stress. More magic. Less guilt. More peace. Less hustle and bustle. More silent nights.

It's Christmas Eve in Chicago-a very cold, snowy night at that. It's been a long day and one hell of a busy shift, with all the snow and ice accidents happening all over Chicago keeping 51 pretty busy their whole shift.

Stella was happy when shift ended; she wanted to go home and finally decorate the tree that she and Kelly picked out a couple of days ago. Turn on some Christmas music and dance with Kelly with only the lights of the tree shining. Casey wasn't going to be home; he decided to go visit his sister and niece for Christmas, so she and Kelly finally had the place to themselves for a couple of nights, and Stella wanted to take advantage of it.

She had the whole night planned out; she got a small ham to fix for dinner, along with some baked Mac and cheese, collard greens, and deviled eggs. She was going to beg Kelly to decorate some gingerbread cookies with her and decorate the tree. She also wanted to do something off her bucket list, which she knew wasn't going to happen the way she wanted. But she was hopeful.

"Okay, I have to ask." Brett said as she and Stella along with Foster walked out the mall exit.

"What?" Stella replied with a grin.

"What's up with the Santa suit?"

"It's Christmas Eve; I needed a Santa suit." Stella said as she started to whistle.

Foster and Brett exchanged looks. "Are you dressing up as Santa?"


"Are you going to a party and had to buy a Santa suit?"


"Did you kidnap the real Santa, and he needs another suit?"

"Nope." Stella laughed at that one.

"Is Kelly going to wear the Santa suit?"


Foster and Brett looked at her curiously. " Hopefully? What does that mean?"

"Hopefully means in a way that expresses desire with an expectation of fulfillment." Stella smiled and continued to walk.

"I didn't mean what the definition was, Stella; why are you being so vague about it?" Brett whined.

"Yeah, we as your friends are just concerned as to why our girl brought a Santa suit for her boyfriend and is hopeful she can convince him to wear it. What's up with that?" Foster asked as they reached Stella's Jeep. "You asked us to come with you, so you knew damn well we were going to question your purchase."

Stella whistled again as she unlocked her Jeep and put the suit in the back. "It's personal." She tells them as she gets into her Jeep.

Brett and Foster look at each other again, both irritated with their friend. "It's personal? Seriously Stella?" Brett said as she got into the backseat.

"I got it!" Foster said excitedly as she got into the passenger seat. "It's personal because Kelly is the real Santa."

"Oh my God!" Brett exclaimed. "That's why she's been so secretive. I knew there was something special about Severide. And why he loves kids so much."

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