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you were walking with klee and hu tao until you bumped into a short girl with short messy blonde hair (to help u imagine it imagine bennetts hair but blonde) and she had goggles in her hair (NOT SWIMMING GOGGLES COOL GOGGLES)she had on dirty brown gloved and she wore shorts that were greenish and a white button up (idk what color to make the shorts:<) 
"shit-" she looked at you "sorry!" she said picking up your phone "o-oh thanks, and its okay!" she handed you the phone "I'm Elita- Elita Ranoki." that name is beautiful shes beautiful lesbian panic. "I'm Y/n L/n, nice to meet you" you guys shake hands then she smiles "yall are very pretty" klee smiles "You too!!! we should be friends!!" hu tao nodded "yea!" you smiled "we should!" elita smiled "Yea!!"

yall walked back with elita and burst through the door "OKAYYYY COME HEREE!" hu tao screamed making all the boys come out "this is our new bestiee" she points to elita and elita grins and waves, kazuha, childe, tomo, itto, and xiao wave scara just stares "so we should go out tonight" said klee "where tho?" asked hu tao "THE BEACH!!!" "BET"

pick ur swimmaying suit

اوووه! هذه الصورة لا تتبع إرشادات المحتوى الخاصة بنا. لمتابعة النشر، يرجى إزالتها أو تحميل صورة أخرى.



اوووه! هذه الصورة لا تتبع إرشادات المحتوى الخاصة بنا. لمتابعة النشر، يرجى إزالتها أو تحميل صورة أخرى.

                               when yall got there the girls instantly ran into the water yurrr
klee splashed everyone with water meanwhile elita just watched laughing "cmonnn elita!! get in the water!" klee said "i would but me and water dont match to well" "why not!" "well i guess i can show you but you cant tell anyone!" "okay!" hu tao and you turned towards elita as she put her hand in the water then she took it out "just watch.." elita pulled her hand slightly higher then some of the water lifted up then pushed her hand towards klee then the water soaked klee making everyone else laugh, elita is powerful and hot... you thought to yourself "wow, Elita.." you said elita looked at you "Yea, Miss L/n?" "that was really cool! we should do that to the boys" all of you evilly smirked

"NOW WHY THE FUCK WOULD YOU GET ME SOAKED!?" scara yelled at all of you, xiao was trying to dry off the towels, kazuha was making sure the food wasnt soaked, tomo, itto, and childe were laughing . "well mr scaramouche its not my fault the water landed on you more-" "IM GOING TO KILL YOU" scara cutting off elita made all of the girls laugh wow this shit is funny 

we got kicked out thanks to scara chasing elita around then making her fly into the ocean using his anemo powers wow "you okay elita?" you asked "my goggles protected me from going blind so ig im pretty fine" yes u are. 

its fluff now but its ansgt later

Kinda wish I was bawlinحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن