Majestic trip

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Putting you stuff in the van you were ready to travel 16 hours to get to Florida and 4 to get to Disney! You and ur bestiesa were in charge of things like tp and girl stuff, the boys wre in charge of food!

You say in the back with Hu Tao and Klee sat in the middle because it was more comfy for her and some of the boys sat in the middle and 2 in the front.

Scara was driving and Xiao was shotgun bc who TF would let Childe be next to scara? We would get drove off of a cliff.

Me and Hu Tao were very comfy almost falling asleep we  laid next to each other wahghhh so comfy!!

After like 4 hours I was asleep I'm mean fasttt asleep nothing woke me up! Not scara screaming at people who did smth wrong, not the boys singing stupid ass songs, nothing.

"Eh..? AUGHH!" I yelled as scara was speeding down a highway, it scared me.
Everyone laughed at my fear HOW DARE THEY!! "Holy shit scara...scared the fuck outta me" Hu Tao chuckled "loser!" She whispered

NOTICE HOW THE POVS CHANGE anyways this was short byye

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