Book 2: Chapter 8: Evidence

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Later that evening, Mako and Audrey were on patrol together, watching the Southern Water Tribe March. Some held candles on paper lotuses while others had signs. Lila stood with Chief Beifong, she was a strong earthbender, but usually enjoyed the administration part of her job. She wore nothing more than a grey coat over a black jumpsuit, unfortunately she couldn't bend metal. Audrey kept watching her people as they peacefully protested against the North until she heard a clunk of metal.

She and Mako turned quickly and saw two masked people slipping away.
"Hey! Stop! Republic City Police!" Mako yelled as the two officers began to run towards them.

One of the masked individuals pressed a button on a remote but the pair carried on running, just to be stopped by an explosion. Audrey shielded her eyes as debris litters the sky.

"Go!" She yelled at Mako," I'll put the fire out!" She bended a stream of water from the soft bottles on her side and began putting the fire out.

Mako carried on running after the two people. Audrey heard another explosion and covered her ears. The fire infront of her had almost been extinguished. She finishes in time as Mako approaches her.

"Where are they?" Audrey asks, putting the water back in the bottles.

"They got away." Mako sighed in exhaustion, "but they dropped this." He lifted up the remote they used and waved it around.

Audrey smiled but rather in guilt than relief. If she knew how to bloodbend they'd never have gotten away...

During this time they'd run to Korra, who was extinguishing the fire there with water from the fountain.

"The Northern Water Tribe is out of control!" Korra said furious.

"The North?" Audrey asked confused, how could she just assume it was the North, they had no evidence.

"I saw a firebender running away from the blast. The North might not be responsible for this." Mako responded.

"Of course, they're responsible. Who else would it be?" Korra yelled, seeing a firetruck arrive.

"Did you not just hear Mako? There was a FIREBENDER Korra!"
Audrey argued.

"And what would you know of these matters?" Korra shot back.

"Pfft, I don't know? Maybe because I'm from the Southern Water Tribe!" Audrey expressed hotly.

Korra stopped in her tracks realising that she was actually talking to Audrey. Not recognizing her in the uniform. She scowled and walked away towards the firetruck.

Audrey sighed, realising her temper got the better of her.
"Was I too harsh?" She asked to no one in particular.

"She's going through alot." Mako responded.

Audrey shrugged, "Let's go back to the station, we have a Chief to report back to."


The next day Audrey was back behind her desk, checking through papers.
She still couldn't figure out why the Northern Water Tribe would be blamed for the bombing, it could be anyone. But they had no evidence as to who.
Earlier that morning President Raiko walked in, attending a meeting with the Chief. Audrey, who was accompanied by her tea, carried on with her usual routine.

That was until Mako burst in.

"Sure. You're gonna be a hero!" A man said excitedly, gesturing to Mako.

Mako confidently walked into Chief Beifong's office.

"What makes a rookie beat cop think he can interrupt my meeting with the President?" The Chief yelled.

The men Mako spoke to began to laugh. Audrey also saw Lila giggling by her desk. This would make great gossip.

"I'm sorry, I just-- um, I found something out about the bombing." Mako said apologetically.

Audrey suddenly became more interested.

"Well, give it to Lu and Gang, you moron. Now get out!" Lin demanded.

Audrey stood up and met Mako as he walked out towards the men he spoke to.

"Audrey! I found evidence on who did the bombing."

"Really?" She asked, they had walked to the two men.

"And who's this Missy? You're girlfriend?" The man named Lu asked.

"Mako's dating the Avatar idiot." His companion responded.

"This is the guy I saw sneaking out of the building right before the explosions. He's a member of the Agni Kais. Someone must have hired him to make it look like Northerners attacked the Cultural Center." Mako ignored them and hot straight to the point.

"So you think the Northerners were framed?" Audrey responded, looking at the images. She hadn't seen the person's face.

The man hummed in response, taking the photo.
"Did you learn anything about that remote control I found at the scene? That's gotta be the key to finding out who's really responsible." Mako said with urgency.

"Listen, kid, it was the Northern Water Tribe, okay?" Lu snapped.

"Mako might of just given you a lead." Audrey reasoned.

"Stay out of it Quality Control." the other man laughed," who do you think you are? You little-"

"Hey!" Mako interrupted, "She was there too. Leave her alone."

Audrey was surprised to see Mako defend her, but also grateful.

"Thanks." She said, when they walked to their desks, "You didn't need to."

"Of course!" Mako responded," it's the least I could do for someone who saved my bending."

Audrey smiled and sat down behind her desk. The next thing she knew President Raiko was in front of Mako's desk.

"I've heard good things about you. You've made some big triad busts for a rookie." The President said.

"Thank you Sir." Mako responded.

Audrey looked towards Lu and his sidekick and swallowed a laugh when she saw their shocked expressions.

"And you." The President carried on, turning to Audrey who quickly looked back. "You are the double-"

"Yes Sir." Audrey butted.
The president frowned, slightly irritated after being interrupted and turned towards Mako.

"And you're dating the Avatar, right?" He asked.

"Yes, sir." Mako responded

"I'm concerned that she might be getting some bad advice from Varrick. You wouldn't happen to know if they're plotting anything that might compromise the security of Republic City, would you, officer? Let me remind you that you've sworn an oath. You're a man of the law before anything else."

Mako looked nervous, "Yes Sir." He responded.

"Well keep up the good work." President Raiko said, walking away.

"Wait, there's something you should know." Mako sighed.

"Korra plans on sending troops to defend the Southern Water Tribe."


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