[2] ᴍɪꜱᴇʀʏ

Start from the beginning

"Shut up, Nikolai" I grit out.

I blow a last kiss at my father that he returns, and we back out of the driveway. 

The whole ride to the airport, I tried to give small talk with Nik but he didn't respond because of how 'important my safety' was. So eventually, I gave up on speaking and decided that looking out the window for the rest of the ride is the best option. 

At this point, I think I can name all the shops in our street from the top of my head. That's how long I've lived in New York. 

The car eventually comes to a stop and Nik gets out of the car to hold the door for me. 

Such a gentleman. 

I etch a small smile at him on my lips to show my gratitude and I make my way up our family plane with him following shortly behind me. 

The first thing I need is a shower and a fresh change of clothes. 

I go into the master bedroom and look for anything my size. Nik clears his throat behind me and I turn to see him holding a high slit black dress on a hanger.

 I give the dress another look, scrunching my nose.

"I'm not wearing that," I say firmly.

He looks at the dress then back at me and closes his eyes, putting his fingers at the bridge of his nose, "Just put it on. I'll be outside," he walks out, shoving the dress into my hands.

When the door slams shut, I make my way to the shower, letting it heat up on the highest setting while I get ready. 

Taking off my shirt, little stains of blood catch my eye and I search the cupboards for a first aid kit, being successful. There's a definite bruise where his fingernails dug into my skin and I wince as I used alcohol to clean the somewhat healed flesh.

After my shower, I change into the dress, looking into the mirror on the wall. My eyes are nearly back to normal from their puffy state since last night, the curls on my head are defined perfectly and I haven't bothered to remove my makeup from yesterday so I figure a touch up on it would be necessary.

"Hurry up, we need to go over the schedule." he calls from the hallway and I throw my head back, groaning internally. I put on some mascara I found in the drawer hoping it would give the illusion my eyes weren't as big as they seemed. I put on my thigh holster full of knives for extra protection, pulling my dress down.

I grab a pair of heels and hesitantly open the door. He is on the phone to what I think, was one of our partners and when he looks up, he gives me the look of approval. 

"Not bad,"

»»———-  ———-««

After Nikolai told me where we were going, I've mentally flipped everyone off at least twice.

I have been dreading this day since birth but I always knew it was coming. The day where all the leaders are forced to join alliances to make some form of peace in the underground world. I've already bet Nikolai my allowance that I wouldn't drink but I'm contemplating on taking it back.

Autumn in New York and California are two different occasions. I thought I would be freezing from the moment I stepped off the plane but instead, I felt the need to take off my black denim jacket that I gave to Nikolai.

And now he's watching me help set up the venue so I don't run away. 

I throw my head back and let out a small cry,

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