With Jimmy in position and all set for his punishment, Beth raised her arm and then brought it down sharply on the boy's upturned behind. She had thought about using the hairbrush that was often employed when Jimmy was spanked, but then decided to only use her hand, as it was Beth's first time spanking him and the offense wasn't a terribly bad one. Still, she decided, she would spank him soundly, so Jimmy would know who was boss.

It only took about 6 spanks for Jimmy to start crying. He felt embarrassed to be over his neighbor's knees. Why only a few days ago, they were playing basketball together, and now she was tanning his bare bottom. Despite it only being a hand spanking, the spanks were hard and he couldn't stop himself from crying. Beth spanked away, leaving no part of Jimmy's bottom unscathed. His pale backside was changing color, from pale, to pink, and finally to red. Jimmy was crying harder and harder as the pain from the spanking increased with each blow. Beth didn't want to overdo the first spanking of her babysitting career, so ended the spanking after giving out 40 spanks. Still, Jimmy was sobbing at the finish, indicating to Beth that he had been spanked soundly enough.

"Now, Jimmy, are you going to go to bed now, or do I need to get the hairbrush?"


'I'll go...I'll go!! Don't spank any more!!"

Beth then raised up his pajama bottoms, and let Jimmy off her lap. With one final spank, she sent him on his way to bed.

The rest of the evening was uneventful, and Beth relaxed for the remainder of the evening until the Robertson's returned home around midnight. Beth was asked about the evening's events, and Beth told about Jimmy refusing to go to bed and how she had spanked him. Both of Jimmy's parents indicated their approval of her actions and Mrs. Robertson said she would speak with Jimmy herself the next morning.

Then Mrs. Robertson looked around the living room and frowned. Beth watched her and realized what she saw. It was a glass that Beth had used for a coke, and it had left a water stain on the new oak table. Next to it was another stain that Beth had left, from ice cream she had eaten.

"You know, Beth, I don't think I had asked too much for things to be put away and not left like this. I am very disappointed in you."

Beth's ears burned from Mrs. Robertson's scolding.

"I'm sorry, Mrs. Robertson, I meant to put it away and clean up the stain, but I forgot."

"That's not really good enough, is it, young lady. Just saying you are sorry doesn't convince me you mean it or that it won't be repeated. I don't accept that as an excuse from Jimmy and I don't think I should accept it from you."

Beth, thinking her babysitting career would be over before it barely began, pleaded to be given a second chance to babysit. She soon found out she had misinterpreted Mrs. Robertson's words.

"No, Beth, you misunderstand, I wasn't talking about not having you babysit for Jimmy again, I am sure you did a good job of that. I was, however, thinking of punishing you for your disobedience."

"Punish me? You mean........" asked Beth, knowing full well what her neighbor meant.

"Yes, Beth, a spanking. Don't you think you deserve to be spanked?"

Beth hardly wanted to admit it, but she knew what her own mom's response would be.

"Well, I....I guess so, but for you to spank me........"

"What's the problem with that? It isn't like I haven't spanked you before......although it has been a few years."

Beth recalled only too well that she had indeed been spanked before by her neighbor, when she was the one being babysat for or when she was visiting next door and had misbehaved. Both her parents and the Robertsons had permission to spank each other's kids if called for. Still, she was now 17, and not a 11 year old kid.


" No "buts", Beth, You know, and I know, that you still get spanked at home, so my spanking you is no big deal, except, I guess to your behind."

Beth blushed and saw she would have no choice in the matter.

"Beth, follow me over to this chair, please."

Mrs. Robertson indicated the same chair that Beth had sat in when she had spanked Jimmy. Now she would be the one upended. As instructed, she followed her neighbor to the chair and stood on her neighbor's right side. Mr. Robertson remained in the room as well, so Beth wouldn't get to suffer her spanking without a witness present. Beth felt herself being taken across her neighbor's knees and then having her skirt lifted up in back. She held her breath as she felt the waistband of her panties being grabbed and then lowered. The cool breeze she felt across her bottom told Beth her bottom was now bared.


Her spanking began and the spanks were painful from the start. Remembering previous spankings from Mrs. Robertson, both as a witness and as a recipient, Beth was painfully reminded of the strong right arm of her neighbor as well as her neighbor's propensity to spank very hard. The sound of each spank resounded across the room, as spank after spank impacted across the reddening cheeks. Unlike Jimmy's spanking, it continued on past 40 spanks and didn't end until 75 spanks were administered. By that time, Beth was sobbing and pleading for the spanking to end. Finally over, her neighbor pulled up her panties, and told Beth to get up. Beth went to rub her bottom, which was a no-no.

"You know better than that, Beth. I ought to get my hairbrush and start over or just repeat the spanking you just had with my hand. You're lucky I don't. But I am not going to allow it to go completely unpunished. Come over here."

Beth walked back over to the chair and was placed between Mrs. Robertson's knees, facing to the left of Mrs. Robertson. Beth felt her panties being lowered once again, and to her dismay, taken all the way down to her ankles and off completely. She then was bent over her neighbor's right knee and her skirt pulled up. Beth felt like her bottom was really sticking out and then she felt the sharp sting of a hard hand spank, followed rapidly by 19 more hand spanks, causing renewed sobbing by the girl. The spanks ended, but Beth was kept across her neighbor's knee. Beth noticed that Mrs. Robertson had picked up her pocketbook and reached inside. Beth shivered, thinking Mrs. Robertson was going to use a hairbrush after all. Beth was spared that, however. Instead, Mrs. Robertson had pulled out a safety pin and then pinned the back of Beth's skirt up. Beth was then allowed to stand back up, and Beth could feel that her bottom was uncovered in back.

"Don't even think of rubbing now, Beth, or I will get the hairbrush. I also will be watching you as you walk to your house, so don't think of unpinning your skirt until you get inside your house. Perhaps you will think twice next time before you try rubbing your behind after being spanked. I know your parents don't allow it either."

"Her parents!!!" Beth suddenly realized that she was still in jeopardy. Her parents wouldn't look too kindly at all at her being spanked. If only she could make it to her room without being seen.

"Now, young lady, it's time for you to go home. You can put your panties in your pocketbook. Remember, I will be watching you!!"

Apologizing once more, and saying her goodbyes, Beth left her neighbors' house and began walking to her house. She wasn't in any hurry but knew she couldn't go too slowly, with her neighbor watching. She approached her front door and as she turned the doorknob, she held her breath, hoping against hope that her mom had gone to bed.

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