Kristin poured herself, Phil, and Techno some coffee while Phil poured Tommy and Wilbur some orange juice. Phil gave Tommy and Wilbur their juice and took the coffee out to the table. Kristin put everyone's plates in front of them. Before she could go around to sit in her seat, Wilbur tugged on her sleeve. Kristin looked at Wilbur and bent down beside him, "Yes Will?" Wilbur looked down and grabbed her hand, he clearly wanted attention. "You just want Mum's attention hm?" Kristin smiled and hugged him. Wilbur leaned into her touch. Kristin whispered, "I'll let you have all my attention after breakfast ok?" Wilbur nodded excitedly. Kristin sat down and they all started to eat.

Once they were done, Techno was the first one to the living room surprisingly. He sat down and looked in the rest of his stocking, it was filled with candy and little crocheted animals. He held the animals close to him, they smelled like lavender, cinnamon, and peppermint, the animals must of all been different scents. He put the dolls down and started to crawl around. Although he wasn't feeling small, it gave him a odd sense of comfort. He found a candy cane on the floor and started to eat it. He stood up and started to pace around. 

Suddenly, he was pushed. He was able to regain his balance, he turned around and looked to see who pushed him. It was Tommy, and he looked angry. "What the hell man! Why would you eat my stuff!" he yelled. He looked in his hand and realized that he was eating Tommy's candy cane. Techno didn't speak so Tommy pushed him again. Techno frowned but still didn't say anything. Tommy was now starting to hurt his feelings. 

Tommy pushed him as hard as he could so Techno fell over. Techno couldn't say anything if he wanted to. A fuzzy feeling was quickly taking over him and he couldn't stop it. His ears started to flop and he started to cry. That's when Tommy realized what he had done. Philza came flying out to where they were, "What happened!" Tommy opened his mouth to say something but he just couldn't. Phil ran to Techno and picked him up and comforted him. Tommy felt bad, too bad. He slowly backed away and quietly ran to his room. He felt like it was his fault after all. 

Kristin went to the living room, she was holding Wilbur's hand, "Where's Tommy?" Phil looked around and shrugged. Kristin put Wilbur on the couch and walked to Tommy's room. When he got there, she saw that the door was cracked and she heard sniffles. She slowly opened the door and saw Tommy in the corner of his room. He was wrapped in a red blanket and he was cradling his stuffed frog. 

"Hey Tommy," Kristin smiled and closed the door. She sat next to him, "What's wrong?" Tommy sniffled and leaned on his mum, "I hwurt Techy an made Dada mad!" Kristin hugged Tommy, "You didn't hurt him, you just scared him a little." She was trying to comfort Tommy. "Why did you push him?" she asked. "He was eatin my can cane," Tommy rubbed his eyes. Kristin hugged him tighter, "how about we go and say sorry?" Tommy hugged back and slowly nodded. 

Phil was rocking techno in his lap when he saw Tommy and Kristin come into the living room. Kristin smiled, "Tommy has something to say!" Tommy hide behind Kristin slightly, "Mm sowwy Techy." Techy nodded in response. "We won't open your big boy presents today," Phil announced. The three little boys whined. "We can open your other presents though," Phil said. The boys started to cheer up and sit on the couch. 

Kristin and Phil gave the boys a present for each of them. Wilbur got a tiny box, Techno got bigger box and Tommy got a huge box. Wilbur didn't complain because he loved tiny things. "You can open them now!" Phil smiled. The boys started to rip the wrapping paper off so fast that Kristin couldn't even tell them to save the wrapping paper. 

Wilbur opened his box, he saw a tiny crocheted fox and a pacifier with a fox on it. He smiled and put the pacifier in his mouth and held the stuffie close to him. Techno opened his box to find a heated weighted blanket. He was super excited, he wouldn't have to wait for comfort anymore. Tommy opened his present and saw a huge squish mellow and a onesie. He ignored the onesie but he hugged the stuffie tightly. 

"You guys aren't done, you have more presents!" Kristin smiled. The boys smiled and pointed to presents that they wanted to open. Every time they opened the presents, they would be occupied for a few minutes then they would point to what present they wanted to open next.

Once they opened all their presents, Kristin and Phil watched the boys play with everything they got. Phil put on a Christmas movie so the boys would be occupied while he cleaned up. "Are you boys okay now?" Kristin asked. They all nodded but their eyes were glued to the screen. Phil picked up the boys one by one and put them on the couch. Kristin and Phil joined them on the couch, sitting on either side of the boys. They all started to cuddle and watch the movie. Although it was a chaotic day, they all still love each other dearly.


This was requested by 0XxmcrloverxX0! I finally got done with exams :D. I'm still exashed though. Have a good day, afternoon, evening, night!

Requests are open! (Christmas and winter themed for now please!)

Word Count: 1668

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