Little's Concert

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Plot: It takes a lot to be in a band. And go to different countries to preform those songs. Wilbur's band is always traveling and they never have time to relax. This effects Wilbur and he starts to cry on stage. He hasn't regressed the entire time he was on tour and he knew he needed to. Fortunately, Philza and Missa are there to help him out. 

This was requested by 0s4c7345! Thank you for requesting!


Little: Wilbur
Nicknames: Will
CG: Philza
Nicknames: Phil, Dada
CG: Missa
Nicknames: Mimi


Wilbur's POV

I've been stressed out to say the least. I haven't regressed in a long time and the band hasn't had a proper break for months. The band knows that I regress and they've been trying to get me to do it but I'm afraid of the public seeing me. We get tiny breaks in between shows, we'd play for an hour take a 20 minute break then play for another hour. Anyways, we're back in the UK and our concert starts soon so might as well finish off the tour strong. 

Philza's POV

Talluah was super excited to watch her dad on TV. The entire concert was being streamed live. She was also excited that her dad was coming back soon. Chayanne was trying to calm her down about this for a long time but she doesn't have to wait much longer. The kids were on the couch waiting and talking. Missa and I were making some food and drinks for the four of them. 

~Time Skip~ I'm so lazy lol

As I was watching the concert, I could feel that something wasn't right. It was all in Will's eyes. "Something's wrong with Will," I blurted. Missa looked at me, "What do you mean?" "He looks like he going to cry," I pointed out. "Well what do we do?" Talluah whispered. I made her worry. "He'll be fine, Missa and I will go check on him, you two will stay here," I said. Chayanne gave me a thumbs up and went back to watching the show. 

Missa got his jacket, gloves, and boots on before we left. He always complained on how cold it was in the sky. He was also afraid of heights. "Bye kids, don't go do anything dumb!" Missa yelled on the way out the door. "You ready?" I asked. Missa scoffed, "No." I rolled my eyes and picked him up and put him on my back then started flying. 

We landed backstage and walked in. "Don't ever do that again," his voice shook. On the way, I pretended that we were falling out of the sky. "I have no idea what you mean," I laughed. We walked into their room and wait for them to take their break. "Wow the security here sucks so bad," Missa laughed in disbelief. "Exactly what I was just thinking," I joked. 

We waited a few minutes until we heard the door click. We looked up and we were face to face with Ash. He just closed the door after a while. "What is it?" we heard Mark say. Someone opened the door and we saw Joe. "Hey Phil!" Mark smiled. "Phil's here?" we heard a voice in the distance say. All of a sudden, Wilbur came running up to me and he hugged me. "Hey Wilbur, it's been a long time," I smiled. When he was done hugging me, he hugged Missa. "I miss oo!" Wilbur slurred. 

"Speaking of that," Missa started, "When was the last time you regressed?" Wilbur thought for a while before saying, "Tree day." "He hasn't regressed at all this tour," Ash said. "Wilbur that isn't healthy," I confess. He whined and put his head on my shoulder. "I'll tell you what," I said taking Wilbur's head off my shoulder, "If you can be a big boy until the end of this show, I'll get you something to eat." Wilbur's eyes lit up and he smiled. He nodded and kicked his feet. "Let's go Wilbur," Joe said walking out the door. He got off my lap and skipped out the door. 

We watched the rest of the show off my phone so we would know when he got done. When it got done, we waited for the band to get back. We heard the door swing open and Wilbur jumped in my lap again. "You did such a good job," Missa smiled. "Fank oo!" Wilbur responded, "I big boy!" I nodded, "Yes you were. I ordered you and the rest of the band some food and desert." Mark was the only one cheering because he was was hungry. We all laughed once he stopped cheering. Ash put a pacifier in his mouth. Wilbur climbed on the arm of the couch to play with Ash's long hair. 

We heard a knock on the door. Mark opened the door to see two security guards with food and drinks with them. Joe went over to help Mark bright the food into the room. "Ash help!" Joe yelled. "I can't, Will and I are busy right now," Ash smirked. Wilbur giggled while finishing the long braid in Ash's hair. Joe sighed and made a few trips to the door. "I ordered Chinese so I hope that's okay," I said. "Oh that's very okay," Mark laughed opening one of the boxes. Joe handed three boxes to us. So I gave mine and Wilbur's to Missa. I picked Will up and sat him down at the table.  I opened Wilbur's box and fed his so he could play with his band mates. 

"You're a little messy," I laughed wiping the little's mouth with a tissue. I picked him up and walked him over to where the rest of his band mates were. They immanently took him and started to play with him and baby him. They also started feeding him some desert. 

"Will we have to go," Missa said pinching the little's cheek. Wilbur whined and hugged Missa. Missa picked up Wilbur and handed him to me. "We can cuddle all you want when you're done with your tour," I said. "Pomise?" Wilbur frowned. "I promise," I said then kissed his cheek. Missa kissed his other cheek and then took him back in his arms. He handed him off to Joe and walked towards the door. "Bye guys!" I said. Missa waved at the boys. "Bye Dada. Bye Mimi!" Wilbur cooed. We all said bye to each other and left. "Fly safely," Missa snarled.


This was requested by 0s4c7345! I think that I'm gonna start doing some Halloween themed stuff, maybe? Have a good day, afternoon, evening, night! 

Requests are open!

Word Count:1100

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