Just A Facade

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In blue knickers and a weird head-warmer and a top that rounded up my weirdo dude look I sat atop a desk in a room filled with panicking students at a little over 12 midnight preparing for our upcoming exams, with my earpiece in both ears I listened to my fucking favourites all in a playlist. While also trying to mind my business, though my whore friend already went ahead to kill the whole concept after he got himself engaged in a conversation with two pretty good-looking ladies.

I could only watch from afar as he did his wacky ass flirting while engaged in a pretty serious conversation. Though I couldn't help but notice the bright smile of one the ladies he spoke with, that revealed a perfect pair of white teeth and a very attractive sparkle in her eye that just had this drooling effect. From the way she sat and made even the slightest movement with absolute class, grace and care to the way her dark skin literally sparkled under the dim lights of the hall only drew me further in. The quiet mumbles of studying students were muffled under her smile the more I stole momentary glances.

She wore a black bucket cap and a patterned white and black dress that hung her body very perfectly, perfectly showing her very perfect upper body as I could only see so little from my high table. Literally

After few minutes of sharing short quiet laughter with Chris, my friend. Did I miss the introduction? Yeah that asshole is Chris and is one of the most annoying tits suckers I've ever met, he literally flirts with anything on a skirt and bumps on their chest. I then step out into the cold midnight air sniffing hard as the cold sends cold shivers to my brain receptors and goosebumps all about my skin. Quickly I slip out my phone from the pocket of my knickers and send Chris a message

'Yo I need a cue in'

Slow motherfucker that he is made me explain way more than I should but eventually he got the message and back in I went and eventually I get my cue.

There I was, sat across a black-skinned goddess though I didn't let that intimidate me, eloquent as I was I got to work and tried to start a convo and guess what? She had the best fucking voice!!!! Perfect symphony for this cold fucking night!


Until just a few minutes ago he was mounted on his high fucking ego and now he's finally here after ogling me for the past few minutes, I scoffed as an unnecessarily handsome jerk seats directly opposite staring straight at me through big bright eyes making no efforts whatsoever to hide his interest. Great! Another freak for the books, well at least he's not bad looking my consy whispers to me.

Well except from his insanely bad fashion sense that his face easily compensates for I guess I thought while giving him an 'I'm already bored' glare right back.

Somehow and God knows how we get hooked up in a conversation away from from Naomi who was also hooked in a conversation with Chris beside me

And to no little surprise he actually is pretty eloquent and weirdly fun to chat with so I might just as well go along with the flow. I later learned his name was Grayson, apparently he was a fresher just like myself and majored in computer science, well ain't I lucky? Naomi and I were just stuck while trying to prepare for computer exams coming up the next week I guess we hit the jackpot 'hehe' I grinned quietly and excitedly to myself at just the thought.

He certainly seemed an interesting dude actually, one year older than yours truly and a very melting smile OMG did it take much to resist his cute little smirks
The way he curled from little smirks to wide smiles has to be his strongest charm so far but now he's gotten me totally hooked.

'you man-whore!!!! What if he's a psychopath?'

Aren't you the psychopath for thinking this fine young man right here is a psycho? Like you?

Look into his eyes bitch

But stupid consy really is right, his eyes are bright and all but they leave a lot of questions behind them, not to mention the smirks he wears. Creepy as shit!!!!


After a few minutes chatter about really random things, Chris and I decided to spice things up a bit or quite literally chill things since the weather outside was really almost freezing you know? You get wh-

yes yes carry on

Fine fine

After a little emotional tug Laura and her friend naomi finally decided to agree to a short walk, almost Immediately Chris Yeap from his seated position with excitement like a child in the sight of the ferry wheel or whatever the F it's called.

I gently raise myself from my chair while putting a hand out for my pretty goddess that she reluctantly accepts after debating for a few seconds.

She was well aware about my seeking eyes and how I kept checking her out in probably the most inappropriate places, what I'd do to be a little closer to the heat of her body. And as she stood up that temptation only grew stronger as I saw the fuller picture of what was originally hidden.

She was small and short but if that wasn't the perfect height DAMN!!! And that perfectly round ass on well shaped hips and slim waist. Her perfect figure couldn't be eighter goddamn!

My eyes stay glued on her as she fumbles about while trying to stand upright, was she nervous? Did I make her nervous? I wanted to know what she felt about me and fast but I just knew it was too early for that so... I guess I gotta suck my own groin and keep my lewd thoughts to myself for a little longer till she gets a little comfortable.

After the seemingly longest but shortest period she took to stand we finally took slow short strides towards the exit of the hall we were sat in, out into the dark black midnight sky, into the cold night. Laura stuck with Naomi Chris walked at their side while I just lingered along behind them.

The pathway was lined with beautiful and colourful flowers and although the dark night dulled their colour, the efforts of the lamp posts were still attention- worthy but NOPE! lewd as I was, my eyes stayed glued to her perfect backside and somehow the pictures of her in my head got me more aroused than xnxx videos IMAGINE THAT!!! psych right? I know but you just can't blame me.

After a short walk to the last of the lamp post streaks  we all turned back towards the hall we just walked out from a few minutes ago because apparently Laura was scared of the darkness. There I really thought she couldn't get any cuter. But I guess she can? The night breeze was chill too so I guess she was probably cold as well and so I make a signal to Chris for us to turn back and turn we did.

We got back into the hall and this time with Laura sitting right next to me. Let's hope the dim light is just enough to hide the bulge on my shorts. Damn this is arousing and equally uncomfortable. Barely fifteen minutes passed and I can see the tiredness weighing heavily on Laura dimming just a bit that bubbling light in her eyes despite her efforts to keep it lit and so I let her sleep.

Early Saturday morning still sleepy as F I stagger my wag through benches scattered in the hall, through the door, hallways and finally i make my way towards the school gate and after what seemed like an eternity the thirty minutes drive to where my bed was located i finally arrived, and finally after a crappy sleep on the school bench my back aches as hell not to forget those fucking  bloodsucking insects, I meant that literally by the way. The only positive from last night was Laura leaning on me for her night rest. I wouldn't believe John the baptist if he told me something so ridiculous would turn me on but oh well...
For the record I wasn't so turned on it was just- oh c'mon dude you were rock solid even in your dreams.

And so I fell into a deep sleep with thoughts of the encounter with my dark-skinned angel in mind.

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