The Wilderness estate

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"I- I don't... I don't understand" I stammered under my breath, we still held our gaze locked in. He's Grayson? How? Why is he so... Fucking handsome?

His dark eyes glittered, his hair was messy and begging for me to run my hands through them. Or I wanted to. same thing. His face was nothing short of perfection from his jawline, his cheekbone that were both properly and perfectly defined to his lips, his nose HIS EYES!

"Why are you Grayson?" I muttered the question under my breath but he heard me. "Shhhh. Sleep well my queen" he said with the finger to my lips again and that whole effects again. I braced myself this time. I don't want to feel this way! Not for him! He's the fucking devil! I try to remind my heart but the fucking thing betrayed me once more and raced all out, faster than a fucking car racer.

My cheeks grew hot. Am I blushing? These were a series of firsts for me. Yeah I've had celebrity crushes before but that's about all of my story. The rest of my life I spent training to hone my skills so even if anyone liked me they were either too scared of me or my parents to do anything about it.

"I- I need to brush" I said softly, way softer than I intended but hey I was able to talk at least! How long have I stared at him? I couldn't break my gaze for whatever reason, it's almost like I got stuck in a daze, oh wait that's probably why! He's eyes were damn attractive!

He turns his back on me and for a moment I thank the goddess,  but I immediately curse under my breath when he's backside is in view. He's equally sexy! Yes finally that's the word! I don't like him, I'm not crushing. He's just sexy. Right. I nod my head physically, trying to accept my new found fact.

He returns as soon as he left. His eyes on me as he slowly neared, he even walked sexy, suddenly I became self-conscious. He bent over towards me and I was getting hot. My body was overheating as my heart kept on it's unreasonably fast pace as I kept hoping my short breaths will not give me away. I was scared he'd hear my heart pound loudly against my chest.

He picked me up with stupid ease. Did I weigh so little?!  He took me into the bathroom dropping me in front of the mirror. That was unnecessary! "I can walk" I said without thinking staring at him through the mirror. No reaction.

I quickly brushed my teeth while he just watched and when I was done he took me back the way he brought me. His scent was nice mixed with the smell of alcohol. Scent of him creeped it's way through my nostrils invading my senses. It was positively intoxicating.

He dropped me and went out through the door. Now I was a hot mess as goosebumps replaced where he held me moments ago.


"Hey Jas, is there any chance I get to pick my clothes myself?" I asked. We sat by the bank of a small stream, soaking our legs in the water as the wind rippled across our faces, brushing the loose strands hanging from my sloppy pony across my face. The lake was beautifully sparkling as the water clear blue stream reflected the sun with imperfect and scattered refractions. I love the environment, the dense woods at the other side of the lake that nipped my curiosity, the flowers in the vast garden.

So far all my ideas of vamps being creatures without any iota of beauty have been totally trashed. They actually seem to be classy and have good taste especially in their flowers. The flowers always lightened my mood. Most of the guards were vamps and even the butler is a damn bloodsucker but I see the way they move and carry themselves. It's as if they were all royalty.

"Why? You don't like your dress?" Jas asked "no no... It's beautiful!" I blurted honestly. I wore a pink t-shirt dress that reached just below my knee. "It is cute, I'll just rather pick my outfits myself" I continued. She mouthed a silent oh and a silent chuckle.

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