Chapter 4: Circles Within Circles

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Almost three weeks after Maya's first visit, she appeared again, seated at the foot of Annica's bed during the night.

"Hi!" Maya announced.

"Jesus!" Annica exclaimed. She couldn't tell whether she was still awake, or in a lucid dream state, or some other altered state of consciousness entirely. In any case, her heart was pounding – that part, at least, felt real enough.

"The fear response is normal," Maya assured her.

"Of course it's normal!" Annica shot back. "You're an interdimensional alien appearing in my bedroom unexpectedly in the middle of the night! Have you ever considered greeting people during the daytime, maybe in a public place?"

"Hmmm, daytime," Maya contemplated while looking upward and tapping her chin. "Yes, I can see the logic in that. I'll run it by the Council."

Annica remembered that she might need to be asleep for Maya to appear, or something? The rules were still unclear.

"Anyway!" Maya said while clasping her hands. "It's time to get started on your training. You are still interested in being our ambassador, right?"

Annica's heart rate was beginning to slow, but only a little. "I think so. But honestly, these past few weeks haven't been great for my mental health."

"You're still not sure if this is real, right?"

"Please tell me that response is normal too."

"Yes, it is," Maya confirmed. "This is part of the activation process. I'll admit, starseeds don't have it easy. First you feel alienated here on Earth with the human population, then you feel terrified when your soul family contacts you. You're simultaneously in both worlds, but not fully in either. And the whole time you're left questioning your sanity and struggling to function."

Annica paused to consider Maya's words. "Does it get easier?" she almost whispered.

"Hmmm, sort of," Maya said, tilting her head from side to side. "On one hand, yes, the issues you're struggling with now will get easier. But then you'll get new issues, which will be... harder." Annica noticed Maya biting her lower lip while saying the final word.

Annica winced. "So it's just a treadmill?"

Maya shrugged. "That's what growing up is all about, right? You master one area, and then the universe throws something new at you. If life is ever easy, it's only for a short while."

Annica's anxiety from Maya's presence was starting to wane, but the gravity of what Maya was saying added a new layer of discomfort.

Annica took a deep breath. "I think I understand," she exhaled while slowly nodding. "So what's next?"

"You haven't fully absorbed the reality of this yet," Maya replied with searching eyes. "Is that fair to say?"

"Yes, that is definitely fair to say."

"So let's work on that!" Maya said cheerfully, hopping off the foot of the bed.

Once again Annica's vision was overwhelmed by a blinding white light, and once again she found herself back on the ship when the light subsided.

"It's time for lesson one!" Maya announced.

Annica looked around the ship. It appeared the same as before – empty and metallic, with windows and flashing mechanical instruments lining the walls.

"Okay, so one small disclaimer," Maya divulged while making a little pinching gesture. "This ship isn't exactly how you would literally see it 'objectively' from the 'outside,' if that makes sense. It's more a representation of how your mind interprets the essence of where we are. From a purely physical perspective this craft just looks like a white light – at least from a distance."

Annica: Starseed AmbassadorWhere stories live. Discover now