Chapter 186: Despondent Zhang Tianling

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Cook answered the call. The young secretary on the line was already sobbing with fear.

"President, why did you only pick up now? Something serious has happened!"

"President, our company's internal server has been attacked by a hacker!"

"All source codes on the internal network were deleted by the hacker."

"All the cryptocurrencies stored on the internal server have been stolen by hackers."

"All the funds in the anonymous account have been transferred out too."

"Also, the brainwave coding technology that our company is secretly researching has also lost its effect after the hacker attack."

When Cook heard this, he broke out in cold sweat and his face fell.

However, he was also puzzled. "How did you know that our company's virtual currency had been stolen? How did you know that the money in our company's anonymous account had been transferred? How did you know that the brainwave coding technology had lost its effect?"

Logically speaking, even if the company's network was hacked, even if all the source codes were deleted, they would not think about the cryptocurrencies or anonymous accounts, let alone the issue of the brainwave coding technology failing.

"President, the hacker is very arrogant. He controlled all the monitors in our company and told us through the monitors what he had done. It's just that this hacker's math is not good. He clearly only stole five billion yuan from our company's account, but he said that he stole 16.8 billion yuan from us..."

After hearing this, Cook completely understood. He was despondent and his face was ashen!

"It's over!"

At this moment, Pi Chayi shouted angrily into the phone, "How is this possible? How is this possible? Why was our virtual currency and the money in our anonymous account stolen?"

Then, his phone fell to the ground and shattered into pieces. "F*ck!"

"It's that bitch Zhang Tianling. She's joined the Divine Dragon Software Company. The virus created by the Divine Dragon Software Company has been brought to our company's internal network!"

"I'm going to kill her. I'm going to kill that bitch." Pi Chayi was fuming mad. He looked like he was about to murder someone.

Pi Chayi's words were like a bolt of lightning, instantly illuminating Satia's mind.

In an instant, he understood many things.

There had been no problems with the internal network of the three companies for so many years. Was it reasonable for there to suddenly be a problem?

Recently, the only project that the three companies were following up on was the brainwave coding technology!

Thinking about it carefully, everything made sense.

"Yes, that's right! It's Zhang Tianling, that bitch!"

"If she hadn't sent the virus to our internal network, we wouldn't have suffered such a huge loss this time."

"I'm going to kill her!" Satia's face was screaming murder.

"And the Divine Dragon Software Company. They planned everything. They're a demonic company. They're a virus company!"

"The Divine Dragon Software Company must pay the price for what happened today!"

"Li Chengqian has to die!"

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