Chapter 63: Arrival, Meetup

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Two thirty p.m. the following afternoon, in the conference room of the Data Center Hotel.

Li Chengqian and the others walked in with their luggage.

Bi Jialiang welcomed Jian Qingli with a warm smile and took over her suitcase.

He Hongyun was still flipping through the '30-day Homemade Operating System' book. He had been reading this book for a month and was still at the first chapter, even then, he could only understand a small portion of the chapter.

Despite this, he felt that he had benefited immensely. Chapter One gave him a certain understanding of the assembly language and also gave him a preliminary understanding of a computer's startup process.

When Li Chengqian and the others came in, he snorted coldly because he bore a grudge against Li Chengqian. He couldn't be bothered to look at Li Chengqian and the others, so he didn't even raise his head.

Teacher Tian Wenming waved at Li Chengqian and the others. "Come, sit down and rest for a while."

"Teacher, didn't you say that we were going to get the competition to pass directly?" Zhao Peng wiped his sweat and said while panting.

"We'll wait a while for Dr. He. He told me that he'll be here in half an hour." Tian Wenming raised his hand and glanced at his watch. "Dr. He is one of the judges for this Junior Informatics Programming Competition. It'll be good for you to have him meet you and get to know each other."

It was naturally impossible to play favoritism and cheat, but when it came to the segment where Dr. He was doing the marking, no one would say anything if he gave one or two extra points.

"Alright." Zhao Peng sat down reluctantly. His luggage was very heavy, and he was exhausted from the journey. He only wanted to get his competition to pass as soon as possible and return to the hotel to sleep.

He wasn't bothered about Dr. He at all.

With Li Chengqian around, there was no need to worry about any judges.

There was no need to get familiar with him at all.

Li Chengqian and Ding Ling also sat down. After chatting and laughing for a while, Li Chengqian took out a heavy book titled 'Introduction to Integrated Circuits' from his luggage.

He had already done the online research this morning after he woke up. In the real world, there wasn't any functioning brainwave receiver.

All the currently available brainwave receivers required the skull to be cut open and electrodes to be planted.

A brainwave receiver that could be used outside the body had not been developed at the moment.

Li Chengqian didn't want to blow his own brains out, so he was prepared to develop a brainwave receiver himself.

Integrated circuits were key to the development of a brain wave receiver.

Integrated circuits were needed for a number of processes, including processing collected brainwaves, releasing brainwave signals, and removing unwanted brainwaves.

Moreover, integrated circuits and software technology both belong to the information technology domain. They were two sides of the same coin. Learning integrated circuits would also complement his knowledge of software technology.

Moreover, Li Chengqian was also very interested in integrated circuits.

What is an integrated circuit?

The processor, memory, storage, 5G chip of a phone, the graphics card for mining, and other high-end things were all integrated circuits.

Most of them couldn't be produced in the country.

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