Chapter 145: Curtailed Development

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In the livestream room, Li Chengqian demonstrated all aspects of the Divine Dragon System.

Office setting, game setting, chat setting, streaming setting and online setting!

The system worked very smoothly in all the settings.

The netizens were very pleasantly surprised to see the effects. As can be seen from Li Chengqian’s demonstration, the Divine Dragon System was already very mature.

The functions were similar to the Windows system. There was no need to learn how to use the Divine Dragon System, one could immediately switch over from Windows and use the Divine Dragon System effortlessly.

“The Divine Dragon Software is really amazing!”

“I can play games, chat on QQ, and there is also domestic office software. The Divine Dragon System is good enough for me. I only have one question now. How much does it cost?”

“It looks really good from the demonstration! There’s definitely no issues with daily use.” In fact, most computer users only used a few software.

Although the Divine Dragon System had just been released, the few built-in software was good enough for most daily usage scenarios.

“With the Divine Dragon Compiler, we don’t have to worry about software at all.”

“Am I the only one who realized that the computer that was used to demonstrate the Divine Dragon System has an i3 fifth-generation CPU, 4 gigabytes of memory, and integrated graphics cards. When the League of Legends game was demonstrated just now, the 2K resolution gave the highest level special effects. The FPS reached 387… This was already the level of the Nvidia GTX 1650! I’ll download it immediately and give it a try!”

“It’s completely enough for daily use! We recommend that the national institutions take the lead and switch to this system.”

“Don’t waste time. Tell me how much it costs!”

“Let me say this first. If it’s too expensive, I can’t afford it.”

“How much is it?”

On the public screen, most netizens were asking about the pricing of the Divine Dragon System.

“Now, many netizens are concerned about the fees for the Divine Dragon System. I can tell you clearly now that the Divine Dragon System is temporarily free for individual users!”

This was the result of Li Chengqian’s careful considerations.

Currently, the Windows system monopolized the operating system market in the Divine Dragon Country. Users were already used to the free Windows system.

If the Divine Dragon System were to charge a fee, Li Chengqian could guarantee two things.

Firstly, there would be very few users who would really migrate to the Divine Dragon System. This would be detrimental to the development of the System.

Secondly, there would definitely be people online who would slander Li Chengqian for being greedy and for exploiting the people’s patriotism.

Therefore, his plan was to integrate the business models of Windows and Apple.

The operating system would be free, but there was only one way to install the software, and that was through the app store. Li Chengqian would split the cost of selling the software, and the users’ in-app purchase according to a certain ratio.

At the same time, the operating system would only be free for individual users. For enterprise users and government departments, a fee would be charged.

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