Chapter 185: What's Going On?

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The data in the intranet was very critical. Many projects were already in the final debugging stage.

Windows 12 was basically completed!

Windows 12 was a new generation operating system that Windows had been developing for five years and had invested tens of billions of yuan in development.

After the source codes disappeared, it would cause a huge blow to Windows. The release date of the system would be delayed for a long time!

Windows backup the source codes on a regular basis.

However, because of their confidence in the security of the intranet, the source codes backed up by Windows were also saved on the intranet server.

Windows 12 was only one example, there were many other projects that were in the pipeline.

Satia's face was pale as he kept wiping the sweat on his forehead. He was flustered and terrified.

"It's over!" This thought filled his mind. Windows would be greatly affected by this incident, and he was helpless this time.

"No, I still have the brainwave coding technology! I still have the brainwave receiver! I'm not finished yet!" When Satia thought of the brainwave coding technology, it was as if he had grasped a life buoy. A trace of hope appeared in his eyes.

Then, the last sentence on the computer screen suddenly flashed in his mind.

[The brainwave coding technology is fake!]

How could it be fake?

Previously, Satia had personally experimented with it. The input speed and accuracy were indeed not as good as the Divine Dragon Software Company.

However, it was functioning!

He was not the only one who had tried using it. Cook and Pi Chayi had also tried it.

Dozens of Windows employees had also used it.

The brainwave coding technology was real!

Satia could confidently tell anyone who came to ask.

However, Satya was no longer so sure now.

Cook and Pi Chayi had been gloating. When they saw this sentence on the screen, the smiles on their faces disappeared and their faces became serious.

They were very happy to see Satia suffer, but there was a limit to this loss.

If even they suffered losses, they would naturally be unwilling.

"Tara, find a brand new computer with no internet connection. Import the brainwave coding technology and experiment with it." Under Satia's arrangements, one of the scientists got down to work quickly. He set up a brand new computer and imported the brainwave coding technology.

Then, in front of the three of them, the scientists began to experiment with the brainwave receiver.

Tara looked at the screen, picturing what needed to be typed into the computer as before.

And then...

There was no response from the computer.

"What the f*ck is going on? Why isn't there any reaction!" Tara didn't understand and cursed loudly.

He was extremely sure that this was what he had done previously.

Just now, a large number of words would appear on the computer according to his thoughts.

But now, there was no reaction at all.

Tara wasn't convinced.

Then, he tried even harder to think.

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