10. hellacious

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Fatima lay in Zac's arms as they watched BET's Black Holiday movie marathon. This Christmas was on now and her eyes were glued to the tv. Meanwhile, guilt was eating away at Zac's mind watching her laying peacefully on his chest. He knew he had feelings for her. Feelings he couldn't deny and didn't want to but he feared what the truth could do to them, as bad as it sounds. His mother's words resonated something serious in him. He just fought so hard to find the words.

"I forgot to tell you..I felt bad for not having a gift to give you so I ordered you a little something. It'll be at your office or at your house is 5 business days and you can't fight me on this so don't try" Fatima said not able to hold water in a cup with the news. She was just excited to talk to him about anything.

"Im not gonna fight you Tima but why would it be at either address?" he curiously asked her.

"Because I couldn't wait to tell you but I still wanted it to be somewhat of a surprise" she smiled a little.

"That's cute baby. I like it" Zac said kissing her temple and rubbing her shoulder. "I'm glad you took a chance on me Fatima. You've been so much more than I knew I needed and I can't get enough of it" he said kissing her skin again, finding himself being caught up just that fast. "I know I gave you a rough time in the beginning but I always thought you were a nice guy, you just came on a little stronger than I'm used to" Fatima told him.

"And what? Did you not like it at first?" he asked still randomly placing his kisses. "Not exactly. I did like it. A lot. It just scared me at first cause you were gentle with it but I knew you stood on business" she giggled when he reached her collarbone. "I wanna see where this goes Zac and if you aren't looking for anything serious, that's fine. I just rather you be upfront with me" she said before finally turning around to face him.

"Fatima"..he started, grabbing her hand and softly kissing it. He paused in a final attempt to gather his thoughts, knowing if he kept kissing on her, he knew he would never get the burden off his back.

"I need to talk to you and I should have brought this up sooner." By this time, he had pressed the mute button on the remote and Fatima had sat up, crossing her legs Indian style in front of him. She didn't have to say how she felt because her face told it all. There was a mixture of equally intense emotions clear as day and Zac didn't know what to expect.

"I uh," Zac squeezed her hand a little tighter causing her to look down at it. "I'm married Fatima...but it's a complicated situation and if you will let me, so can explain it all. Every detail, everything you want to know"

Fatima sat there in silence, staring at him trying to process the words that had left his mouth. She felt like it had to be a joke. There was no way he could be married and not be with his wife on Christmas. they had spent so much time together. She's been to his house and even stayed over a time or two. Something had to be off but in the moment, she wasn't able to rationalize anything.

"You're married? As in you have a wife?" she asked trying to pull her hand from his but he wouldn't let her. "No Zac. You gotta go" she finally snatched it away and scooted to the edge of the bed but Zac was right behind her. "Fatima, wait! Just let me explain"

"I know how marriage works Zac. You buy a ring and you asked her to marry you. She said yes and boom! Husband and fucking wife" she said shaking her head as she casually walked into her closet. "Yes Fatima. That's how marriage works with people that are married and in love. That isn't the case and if you would let me explain" Zac said following right behind her.

She bend down, grabbing Zac's duffle bag from the floor and began stuffing it with whatever clothing she knew belonged to him. Zac sucked his teeth as she swiftly moves about the room. He rubbed his hand down his face before walking up behind her "We aren't together Fatima. I'm literally in the middle of a divorce and a bunch of legal shit that's holding the up but I'm not with her and I don't want to be with her" she watched Fatima's reflection in the mirror and it didn't seem like much had changed. "I've lived alone for a year and a few months. I can show you my lease agreement, Fatima" he tried but she still didn't speak. Her lip was tight and her nose was still slightly flared, showing all her emotion for her.

"Fatima. I'm talking to you. Do hear me?" he asked but she didn't stop looking through the products on her display until she felt his hand at her waist, spinning her around to face him. "Talk to me Fatima. Please."

She sighed, turning her head from him so she wouldn't get caught looking in his eyes.
"You could have told me Zac"

"I know Fatima. I'm sorry that I didn't tell m but I am now and—" his words were cut short by the sound of the doorbell. Zac looked at Fatima and could tell she was just as surprised as he was but her expression changed to pissed when the doorbell rang two more times back to back. During the same time, Zac phone began to buzz on the the nightstand making Fatima chuckle and look at him. "You might want to answer the phone Zac. It's probably your wife" Fatima taunted in his face since he wouldn't let her go. As soon as the ring stopped ringing, the doorbell rang twice and his phone began to ring again.

This time he let her go and went to check his phone. "Fuck" he said she he saw who the phone calls were from and Fatima knew instantly. "Excuse me" she said walking over to her nightstand to grab her gun from the bottom drawer. She slipped on her Chanel plush booties and grabbed her robe from behind the door before leaving the room.

"Fatima!" Zac called after her as he jogged to catch up with her as the doorbell rang again and again. He heard the sound of her gun cocking and sped up to be directly behind her before her foot hit the last step. "Fatima baby chill. Let me get the door" he begged while they stood in the foyer.

"No" she simply answered trying to walk around Zac but he wouldn't move and the doorbell rang again. "I can cancel my order and send a hot piece of lead up your ass instead. Move out my way"

"ZAAAC!! I know you're in there!" doorbell, doorbell "I see your truck in the driveway!" the female voice yelled from the other side of the door. doorbell.

"That's really your fucking wife? you brought your fucking wife to my house Zachary!?" Fatima asked looking at him with fire in her eyes. He vigorously shook his head, putting his hands up in defense. "Fatima I didn't bring anybody here! How could I when I been here with you?!" he asked, standing in front of her like she wasn't holding a loaded weapon. "Yeah, not the whole time and definitely not all day Zac! Tell that bitch to get off my porch and when you're done, go home with her" she coldly spat at him.

"I don't have a home with her Fatima! Have you been listening to anything I said?!" Zac stressed, becoming frustrated with getting nowhere.

She chuckled at him having the nerve to feel a way about a mess he created "No, you don't have the room to feel unheard when you been quiet as a fucking church mouse Zac. Did you really think keeping your delusional ass wife a secret was a good fucking idea?!" she yelled at him

"ZAAAC..." doorbell "Please just open the door!" doorbell, doorbell

"You heard your wife" Fatima said, "Go open the door" but Zac didn't move. He folded his arms across his chest and waited. They stood in silence until they heard the sound of footsteps walking away from the door and soon a car started outside and pulled off.

Fatima stood frozen in front of Zac. She internally regretted every word she said and every feeling she felt but that didn't make them go away.

"I'll sit your bag outside my room door and send whatever else is here to your house" she spoke calmly before making her way upstairs before Zac had a chance to speak.
"and Im not an Indian giver so you can keep your gift but I want you out of my house" was the last thing she said before disappearing upstairs.


she knows now everybody 🤧

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