5. frozen

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"You listen to a very wide range of music I see" Zac said as they made their way down the road. "It's actually kind of impressive".

"Eh, I guess. I just like what I like" Fatima replied, keeping it short. They were 15 minutes into the car ride and Fatima mentioned her house wasn't too far from where they were but other than that she sat quiet. There hadn't been another word spoken unless she was giving directions.

"So" Zac said as he took the exit to leave the interstate "You said you were hungry. Did you want to stop anywhere?" he asked, taking a second to look over at her. Fatima just shook her head and continued to look straight through the windshield or either down at her phone. "No. I'm fine." she bluntly replied before smacking her lips at a text she had gotten from Maya.

"Well I know that already but are you hungry?" he reiterated. Fatima turned her head just enough to see the side of his face. it's that jawline, she thought. She kept her body calm as her eyes gazed over him. "I'll cook something when I get home...it's this one, right here on the left" Zac brought his Porsche to a slow creep to turn into Fatima's driveway. "This is nice. It's on a slab?" Zac asked putting the car in park. She looked over at him with a puzzled look on her face. "You work on a floor of a law firm and know about houses?" Zac shrugged a little, "What can I say? I'm a man of many faces" he says behind a charming smile.

"So you're fake?" she subtly nodded and he dropped his grin immediately. "Understood" Fatima said as she gathered her belongings.

"I didn't mean it like that and that's not fair. You can't label me and you don't even know me Fatima"

"I don't have to know you to see whats evident" she confidently said while making sure she had everything that belonged to her. "Really? Well enlightened me, would you Attorney Wilson?", sarcasm lacing his words. Fatima turned to face Zac, completely ignoring his last words while she fought against eye contact with him. It felt dangerous in her office so she could only imagine what it could do in her driveway. "If I told you my name, why keep calling me that?" she asked and Zac was quick to answer. "It's your title. You earned it. You work harder than every man on your floor."

"How do you even know that?" she scoffed and chuckled, "For somebody who works on the 8th floor, you sure do spend a lot of time on mine"

"Well, that's kinda what happens when you own the place. You make rounds when necessary"

Fatima squinted a little,"You brought out Coleman and Dale?" she asked and Zac just nodded. "Houses...properties?" she asked behind her thinking face and he nodded once again. this nigga's bag is crazy, she thought. She just looked at him for a moment and for the first time in a long time she wasn't sure what to say next. "And I like the view from the 8th floor. It's kind of like yours, just a little higher" Zac happily added.

"Hm" Fatima sounded reaching for the door handle "Well thank you again. I really appreciate it"

"No problem. You got it covered for a way in the morning?" Zac asked, looking her over. fucking beautiful ass woman, he thought. "Oh yeah. My friend is going to stop by and get me. She works close" Fatima said pulling the door handle. "Let me get that" Zac said and opened his door. Fatima tried to stop him but he had already closed it and was in his way to her side.

"Thank you again Zac" she said as he helped her from the passenger seat. "It was truly not a problem and honestly my pleasure" she looked at him as he closed the door behind her and they were stuck. There was a heat wave bouncing in between them, growing increasingly intense by the second. Unbeknownst to the other, they both were fighting the urge to jump all over the person they stood in front of. This feeling was new to Fatima and she'd be lying if she said she didn't like the way he made her feel.

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