I was wearing my favorite low-rise jeans, this time paired with a simple white lace cami and sneakers. The top didn't leave much to the imagination, much to Emma's enjoyment and my dismay.

Colton's eyes stopped at my hips, noticing the dark stain that ran down the side of my jeans. "What happened," he asked, pointing and frowning.

I looked down to observe the stain myself. "I got a drink spilled on me," I explained. "The usual."

He chuckled at my joke. "C'mon, let's clean that up," he offered, holding out a hand. 

I fought with every fiber of my being to stop my face from heating up. Cautiously, I took his hand, and almost pulled back from the electricity that shot through my arm. I looked up at him with wide eyes, unclear what to do next. His mouth parted slightly, his eyes darkening. Fuck, I moaned in my head.

He broke eye contact quickly and began dragging me to another staircase, leading me to the top floor of the house. He lead me down a long hallway lined with doors until we reached the last one. He pushed open the door, breaking our hold to place a hand on the small of my back, leading me in.

I looked around nervously. We were in a bedroom, mostly bare with the exception of the large bed in the middle of the room and the desk shoved in a corner. The room was tidy and clean, almost like it wasn't even lived in. 

I looked back at Colton, who was already eyeing me. "Is this your room?" I asked.

"Sure is," he grinned, leaning back against the wall. "I hope you like what you see, I promise you'll be seeing much more of it."

I scoffed. "So what, you brought me up here to fuck you?" I questioned, raising an eyebrow. He laughed at my bluntness.

Slowly, he peeled himself off the wall, walking over until he was towered over me. He looked down with his familiar cheeky grin, his eyes dancing with excitement. I swear I could feel my uterus throbbing. My body was practically begging for him. 

"Whatever you'd like, gorgeous," he said huskily, staring straight into my soul. We stayed there, our faces inches apart, for what felt like eternity. Finally, he broke away from our trance, moving across the room to open a closet door. 

"I actually brought you up here to change," he said. He pulled out a pair of black and white plaid PJ pants, holding them up in offering. 

I giggled. "I can't wear those," I protested. "This is a party, not a sleepover."

"Could be," he winked. "Anyway, I don't have anything else that would fit, and these are adjustable, so they'll cover that fat ass of yours." 

I scoffed, my mouth falling open. My cheeks were definitely bright red if they weren't already.  He laughed at my expression. 

"I'll leave you to change," he said, passing me the pants as he walked out the door, closing it behind him. 

Once he left, I changed into the pants, admiring how soft they were. They hung loose on my legs, but were surprisingly tight around my butt. I guess Colton was kinda right about that.

I looked in the floor-length mirror mounted on the wall, and laughed out loud. I looked ridiculous in these pants and my top. But they were so much more comfortable than my jeans, especially since these pants were actually dry. 

Deciding it was time to go back down and join the party, I opened the bedroom door. Colton was standing across the hallway waiting for me. He looked down at his pajama pants, clenching his jaw. If I didn't know any better, I would guess my presence affects him almost as much as his does mine. 

"So are you just gonna keep staring at me, or..." I teased, quoting him from the restaurant. He looked up, rolling his eyes in amusement. A smile played on his lips. 

"Yeah, yeah, yeah, whatever," he joked. "But now it's time to party."


I looked around the spinning room, giggling at absolutely nothing. This is too funny, I thought to myself. I didn't recognize anyone sitting with me other than Colton, who kept laughing at my every move, making me laugh even harder each time. 

On our way back down from his room, a group of Colton's friends sitting in the living room had called him over. One thing had lead to another, and we were now sitting in a circle passing around a beautifully decorated bong. It apparently belonged to a girl who was dating one of Colton's roommates, but I couldn't remember her name for the life of me. Or which girl she was. Or much of anything at the moment.

I've smoked a few times in high school and college, but only ever socially. I loved the way it made me feel, and I had even tried to become a stoner once freshman year before realizing how expensive it was. But still, I can't say no to a good smoke sesh. 

"I think someone's a little high," Colton chuckled, turning to face me. His eyes were bright red, which told me I wasn't the only one.

"Maybe," I admitted sheepishly, biting my lip. Colton threw an arm around me, pulling me into his side. I could almost hear my heart pounding as the heat of his body warmed mine. Even high as a kite, my nerves wouldn't relax around this man. 

I felt my phone buzz in my hand. Pulling it up to my face, I saw that I had somehow put my phone on do not disturb, and now I had five missed calls from Emma, three from Nikki, and a million messages in our group chat. I even had a missed call from Sam, who had stayed home tonight. Shit.

E: Jo where the fuck are u?? 

N: she's either getting dick or dead lol 

S: or both 

E: Sam wtf 


Fuck fuck fuck. I quickly called Emma. She picked up after one ring.

"Jo, what the actual fuck," she practically screamed into the phone. "If you're gonna go fuck a guy you have to let us know!"

I felt Colton chuckle besides me. I elbowed his side and turned my head to hide the blush creeping up my cheeks. 

"Ems, I didn't fuck anybody," I whisper-screamed. "I got beer spilled on me and had to change. Are you guys still here?"

"Girl it's been like 2 hours since we last saw you," she chuckled. I checked the time and sure enough, it was nearly 3 AM. Oops. "We dipped a while ago, Nikki wasn't feeling good. That's why we were calling you."

"Ooh," I groaned. "So you guys are home?"

"Yes, we thought you already left, I'm so sorry," she said. "Do you want me to call you an Uber or anything? I wanna make sure you get home okay."

Out of nowhere, Colton snatched the phone from my hand. "She's all set, thanks." With that, he hung up the phone.

I slapped his arm. "What the fuck was that?" 

He laughed, handing me back my phone. "If you really need a ride, there's a few guys on the team who can give you one. No need to pay for an Uber."

"I guess," I grumbled. "But still, you're a freak. And it's disrespectful to eavesdrop. Your manners are quite something."

He let out a loud laugh, and I could feel his body shaking. The arm he had around me wrapped tighter, pulling me in close so that my ear was next to his lips.

"You haven't seen the half of it, babe. I can disrespect you in ways you haven't even imagined," he whispered in such a low tone, I almost didn't hear him. I shivered as his voice drew goosebumps along my skin, my thighs clenched together for dear life. With just about all the confidence I could muster, I turned to face him, staring into his dark brown eyes.

"I want pizza."


A/N: I'm actually the biggest liar on the planet because there's no way I'm uploading once a week on Fridays. I'll lyk if I decide on an actual schedule, but for now, it's just vibes. Sorry lol. 

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