Chapter 2: Looking Back and Moving on

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Jeremy got to the meeting point early and impatiently checked his wristwatch every ten seconds. He longingly looked out the glass windows and it was almost half past ten when he witnessed Kylie enter the coffee shop.

"Hi," she said with bated breath and seated herself at the opposite side of the table.

"Hey," muttered Jeremy uncertainly.

Awkward silence followed. He called for the waitress and ordered two cups of coffee. He then fixated his eyes upon Kylie who looked away out of discomfort.

"I guess I owe you an explanation," she declared several minutes later, breaking the ice.

He nodded and waited for her to continue. She told him about Roy; how she'd been madly in love with him during high school and all. Then fast forward to when she ran into him a few days ago at the Hawk's den - a glitzy club in town where she had been hanging out with some old friends. She tried to explain how old flames revived and she suddenly wanted to be with him again. She said that she was still in love with him and all this time she'd been fooling herself thinking she'd moved on. Jeremy listened to her patiently and let her finish without interruption.

"So what you're saying is that it's over between us?" he questioned halfheartedly.

"Yes, I love Roy," she conveyed firmly.

"Are you sure?" he asked, holding himself together, "What about us and almost six years we've spent together?"

"I'm sorry," she replied meekly and stood up to leave.

"Wait!" he cried out, grasping her wrist.

Kylie responded with a repulsive glare and hauled her arm away. She sat back down as people around began to notice; she deemed it best to avoid a scene.

"Why?" pleaded Jeremy unable to hide his devastation.

"We were never really meant to be," she shrugged.

She pointed out how different they were, not having a single thing in common.

"You're too good and boring, I'm the opposite," she offered.

"And you realize this after all these years when you see your high school crush out of the blue?" he argued, though he was quite bemused at that point.

"I love him," she repeated sternly.

"And where do I stand? What am I to you?" he demanded heatedly.

"It's over Jeremy, get a life," she shot back brusquely.

"Fine," he sighed and motioned her to leave.

"You should be with someone like Cynthia," suggested Kylie.

Cynthia was Jeremy's freakishly tall, slender, and smart colleague from college, and his best friend.

"You think you're better than her?" he retorted.

"I just meant you two would look good together," she said in a phony sugar-coated accent as she stood up to leave.

"You've got nothing on her," he said defensively, "there's no comparison,"

"Exactly," dissed Kylie, "I'm hot and she's not,"

Jeremy wanted to call her a "stupid slut" but refrained himself from lowering down to her level. He forlornly watched her walk out of his life and muttered "Goodbye" under his breath.

* * * * * * * * * *

Kylie was relieved after her major confession to Jeremy and looked forward to celebrating her future with Roy. He was still fast asleep when she got back, so she quickly undressed and got back in bed.

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