I really can't sleep
Maybe I'm hungry
I think it's too silent in my room
Music feels too loud
And my bed is so uncomfortable

Do you want me to get something to eat
I'm done w practice now

No u always buy me food I feel bad

I'm getting you a meal deal
It's not much
Maybe it'll help you sleep

It's fine okay I've eaten enough today

I don't care
I'm coming back now

U stress me out sm

Jeongguk put his phone away and began to pack his belongings which caught the attention of the group leader.

"Jeongguk! We still have another hour!" She yelled, tightening her ponytail and swaying on the spot as she waited for everyone to get into position.

"I'm going home, it's an emergency!" Jeongguk then rushed to stand up and jogged towards the door, grinning when he saw the disappointment in the woman's face.

Once he was out of his university doors, he turned left where there was a local Tescos. He just prayed there was enough food since university students always raided it and they were almost always out of stock.

A sigh of relief left him when he saw there was just enough food for him to buy. He was also hungry, so he got himself some random sandwich while being careful on what he got Taehyung.

He hates egg, so no eggs sandwich. Jeongguk reminded himself and extended his hand out to take something else. He then moved over to snacks and frowned when there were no crisps.

He's allergic to nuts, so definitely not that. Jeongguk pursed his lips together and just got Taehyung some chocolate and then a drink.

He then hurried back to the bus stop in front of the university where the bus back to their accommodation had already arrived. He cursed and jogged down, quickly entering the bus that immediately set off the second he was in.

I hope he asks to sleepover. Jeongguk thought to himself, nervously bouncing his leg as he waited for the bus to stop.

After 10 minutes, he finally arrived and he was quick to get off.

Fuck, I need to shower as well. I'm gonna have to leave him. Jeongguk mentally frowned at the idea and made his way over to their block.

"Jeongguk!" A random boy called out which made him groan and roll his eyes, "Are you and-"

"Yes we are! Leave me alone!" Jeongguk yelled before making his way inside. He then took out his phone with his heart racing like always when it came to meeting up with Taehyung.



Taehyung sat up from his bed and dragged his feet towards the door, opening it with a blank face that lit up a little when he saw his best friend.

"There was barely anything there so I got this." Jeongguk tried not to show how nervous he was and passed the food over to Taehyung who gave him an endearing smile.

"I told you not to get me anything." The boy tutted and made his way over to the bed, scratch his long and exposed tanned legs once he was sat.

Jeongguk tried his best not to stare, "I haven't seen you wear that in so long, I thought you didn't like how short it was?" He asked about the silk pyjamas set that Taehyung thought was long sleeved and had trousers rather than shorts.

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