Part 9 - Accidents Happen!

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Blue pats Purple's back and tells him all about a 'harmless plan' that will ruin nothing but Lime's reputation.

The plan was sort of simple, spread fake rumours about Lime then once she starts to notice, she'll find who is starting these rumours and maybe talk to them then Purple will confront her, simple! Although Purple was having intense second thoughts he still did it anyway.

The plan worked well and Lime wanted to have a talk with Purple. Purple thought he would only talk to her and confront her about stalking and exposing his secret to the whole school and if Lime agrees to tell everyone she was lying, Purple will too. He meets up with her at the rooftop where Lime is seen trying to hold her tears, Purple kind of feels bad but he's also angry at her.

'Can you just tell me why you've been 'stalking' me? Exposing my secret isn't cool, you know...' He says. 'W..what have I e-ever done to you...!' she cries. 'Tch! Don't be stupid! You told off my secret to everyone. I thought we were friends? Didn't you have a crush on me and you were so upset I rejected you and now you're stalking me? That's so pathetic.' '... W-what... I've haven't stalked you and I was never upset at you for rejecting me...? I didn't care much either...' she claims.

Purple looks at her with a confused look and gets a little angry. She's lying to him, he thinks. Without another word he walks closer to her as she backs up a little and hits the edge of the roof.

'Stop lying. I know what you've done, Lime.' 'Wh- who told you this...? Is this because I forgot to bring your book that one time... I didn't know you were so angry over small things...' He stares at her and steps back a little. Just as that someone runs towards the both of them super fast which makes Purple and Lime pushed really close against eachother. The push was strong and since Lime was at the edge she fell backwards. She tried reaching out for Purple but her hands slipped and fell off.

Purple rushed and poped his head to see what was down there. It seems like students were already standing next to the dead Lime. A student looked up and noticed Purple and pointed at him. 'There! That's the killer!' They yelled while pointing. Everyone looked up to see Purple just frozen there. They assumed Purple to be the Killer.

Purple looks back to find out who could've pushed him into her. He finds no one. It seems that the Person had left as soon as it happened. Purple stands there crying and falls onto his knees. The first person to come up was Green. Green looks at him and gets him back on his feet. 'Purple! W-why did you so that!?' He asks. Purple doesn't say anything but hugs Green and cries more. Green pushes him, 'D-don't touch me! Y-you killed my cousin!!!' (basicly green and lime r connected colors lol) Purple doesn't say anything but just looks at the ground crying. Green stares at him, 'What... what's gotten into you, Purple...? Why did you do this?' As soon as he said that his friends and some other students walks to them.

The first person that Purple actually makes eye contact with was Blue. Blue looks back at him with a slight smile then looks away. Was this all on purpose? This wasn't supposed to happen. This was an accident. He thinks to himself while people give him dirty looks.

Everyone tried getting Purple to speak but the only thing Purple could mumble out was 'I'm sorry.'

What was supposed to be soemthing harmless has caused one death to happen. The plan was only to confront Lime, not kill her. It's not his fault she died. It really wasn't. No one will believe him even if he told the truth. Most of all, Green was one of the witnesses. Out of everyone but Green was one of the people to witness Purple pushing Lime. This wouldn't be such a problem to Purple but he feels horrible for killing off a student. Specificly, someone from his friend's family.

Everyone hates him. His friends hate him. But most importantly, Green also hates him. No, he can have people hate him, he doesn't care if they do. But   Green...


Green... anyone could hate him but Green.

'I-it's Blue's f-fault!' He yells thinking someome would believe him. Everyone looks at him but no one believes him. Not even Green.

'Are you serious? Blaming someone to get away with a crime isn't gonna help you, Purple. Why are you even blaming Blue? Is there a specific reason...?' Yellow asks. Blue looks at him happy while Purple looks at him nervously.

'I... I-' He stutters. Purple is then called to be in the office while his dad is being called. Ouch, Purple.


sry it took long for me to make another story i js got back into school 💔💔 my schedule is kinda off but ill probaly most likely finish a page or two on weekends. too bad i also have artblock but tysm for 300+ reads !! :D

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