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Hello! In this story most of the characters do NOT belong to me. This is just a dumb fanfic! If you want to know more about this story's AU I will put info down here. SKIP IF U'D LIKE!

TW: this story may include grammar mistakes or typos.

/!\ AU INFO.

Blue is a character that represents YanSim Ayano btw!! He's kind of popular for his cool potions he makes in science class. His friends TSC, Red, and Green are pretty popular too. They're basically their own group :P.

-Character Personality: (Main Characters)

_Blue ; He's a very jealous but really chill kid who is good at science, mostly chemistry. Likes to hangout with his friends but mostly Yellow. A few girls like him. He studies in the 11th grade with Green, and his crush Yellow. He admires Yellow for his smartness and his sense of humour. He loves him alot...alot. He even joined his computer program club and got to be vice president!

_Red ; He's a sweet and sensitive boy who likes animals and cute things although he may seem a little rude sometimes due to his anger issues. He's a very humble and loving person to his friends. He's a brother to Yellow! He studies in the 10th grade and joined the nature club.

_Green ; Very funny and very skilled at music and things like that. He likes listening to music during class, he sometimes get introuble for it though. He's in a school band with students he doesn't really like but Yellow is in his band too! He usually tries to impress Purple cause lately he's been thinking about Purple alot. 11th grade, music club.

_TSC ; Very polite but silly person, fun to hangout with! Mostly hangsout with Red cause they seem close regardless of grades they're in. Multiple girls are on him but he always jokingly says he may be gay. (or he's not joking?) Sleeps alot during class and gets away with it. In the 12th grade, isn't in any club but visits Red in his club sometimes.

_Purple ; Selfish and the rich kid of the school. He only hangs out with Green and his friends. Kind of a mean person but is cool once you get to know him more. He sometimes watches Green and his band practice when he can. In the 11th grade and not in any club.

_Yellow ; A straight A student, many other students are always on him which makes Blue unhappy. Hangs out with alot of people but mostly with his group of friends. Teacher's pet and class president. He's also the president of the science and maths club.

-Side Character info. : (Gold is alive in this AU btw but sadly not pink!!!)

_ Alan ; The principal

_ MT/KO ; Purple's step father

_TCO ; TSC's nice brother

_TDL ; TSC's mean brother

_Victim ; TSC's dead brother

_Gold ; Purple's step sister

_Navy ; Purple's biological father

  ships included in this book:

-yellue (main) yellow x blue
-secred (side) tsc x red
-greenpurp (side) green x purple

That's it for now, ill most likely add more !

update log ; 5th dec 2023

- Ive decided to add new characters that will play the role of Blue's victims! They will be colored people that isn't apart of the main characters we see in Alan's videos

Blue's One Wish (yellue)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ