60. An enigmatic woman.

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Safiyya closed her eyes as she read some supplications to calm her nerves. She tries to keep these things behind her mind but she is a human too. It was annoying.

She tilted her head and saw Alfred staring at her thoughtfully.
"Are you sure that all that you said is true?" he asked and her eyes narrowed in anger. Was he doubting her now?

"I won't waste my time making up a lie, sir Alfred. I didn't tell you all this to believe me over your vice. I have Lex anyway," she responded with a scoff.

Alfred was speechless again. Why can't women just give a direct answer?
"Listen. I don't want to jump to conclusions first. So, you need to be patient." he told her.

Safiyya pursed her lips. Irene knew of Alfred's means so she might have covered her tracks well and the odds would be against Safiyya. It seems like Alfred was trying to help and she was here being ungrateful.

"Do you trust me sir Alfred?" she asked carefully.

"I trusted you with Joseph," he answered simply. Safiyya tried to stop herself but she found herself smiling. If he can trust her with his son whom he is overprotective of, what other things does she need?

She cupped her lips as a giggle left her mouth. She glanced at Alfred who was looking at her strangely and cleared her throat.

"This is serious and you are laughing," he raised an eyebrow.

"It's nothing," she smiled and breathed. "You know, I don't care if they were targeting me or not. If I can get to work peacefully now, then I'll be satisfied."

"You are going to forgive those who cheated you?" Alfred asked with a smirk.

She shrugged and replied, "I do care but that's not the most important thing. I spent months searching for a job which I needed not to earn a living but for a vital reason. When I saw the application for Hill Corp, I made it my goal. I wanted to go there. I went there first for Yousef and that's why I endured all the pressure that happened. And now…I am with him and working where I want to. What else can I ask for?"

Alfred stared at her with admiration. Not everyone can have such a heart to forgive easily. She agreed to go through all that for his son and that made his heart blossom with respect.

She was sitting here smiling at him, not a bit intimidated by his look like others. Was it her gentle and beautiful eyes or the smile she always carried, it always puts him at ease.

"It's a good thing for you to focus on your career," he said and she shifted her gaze down. "But this concerns Hill Corp and I will still investigate it. Just focus on your work and taking care of Joseph,"

"I will do that," Safiyya nodded. "I should remind you too. Yousef's exams are starting on Monday and I hope you can show him some support. He has high hopes this time,"

"That's a good thing," Alfred returned.

"And to make him stress-free, I plan to take him out to the park tomorrow," she added and he frowned. "Can't you just stay in the house?"

Safiyya quickly explained,
"It's not helpful to him and besides, I want him to have some freshness. Away from school and the house. He will get to interact with other kids there and be relaxed before the exams. I promise that I will watch over him. Please,"

Alfred stayed quiet and she kept blinking her eyes in plea.
"You don't have to do that with your eyes. Take him out for the whole day," he affirmed.

"Yay!" she clapped her hands and stood up. "Jazakallahu Khair. Allah Hafiz," she smiled and walked away.

Alfred followed her trail and a wry smile formed on his face. What an enigmatic soul this woman was.

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