13. Arriving At Hill Corp.

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Nothing is better than a long chapter
after a late update right?😉

Love isn't all about romance but comes in different ways. The relationships between parents and their kids, and between friends and siblings are all filled with love when positive. When you love someone,  you don't want to see them hurt, and always try your best to give them the best. And the relationship between Allah and His servants is the most beautiful.  

The room was spacious and brightly lit, a white wardrobe sat at the far end, and a long shelf by its side with toys arranged on it, a purple rug before it, with a toy train rail on it. A few meters away was a rectangular bed and drawers beautifully lit with blue LED light. 

Sleeping on the bed, under a white duvet was little Joseph. Even with his eyes closed, they looked swollen, not hiding the fact that the boy had been crying. 

Alfred sat beside him with a tight frown on his face. Ever since they got home, Joseph didn't stop crying and slept off eventually, and feeling his temperature now, it was high. It still puzzled him how his son got attached to an unknown lady putting them in a dilemma. 

He sighed and spoke, "Call doctor Collins." 

"Calling Doctor Collins," the circular white device on the drawer beside the bed voiced out and the call went through. It took some seconds before the doctor picked. 

"Good evening Mr. Hill. How's Joseph?" the doctor's voice sounded. 

"He is not doing so well," Alfred replied. 

"Did something happen?" Doctor Collins asked. 

"His nanny left and he was kidnapped. I got him back but he's been crying and has a high fever now. He's not in his right mind and I'm afraid if he wakes up, it will be a problem." Alfred explained, not giving the full or real detail. 

"Oh my, I'll come and check up on him." Doctor Collins said and Alfred agreed before they ended the call. 

Alfred sighed and got off the bed. He walked away from Joseph and made a call on his phone. 

"Have you found her?" he asked. 

"Yes sir. She hid in a village but she's with us now." the other person answered. 

"I see," Alfred hummed. "She must know that I sent you there, so just keep her locked until I decide what to do with her. I don't want to hear any nonsense explanation that  she has to say." 

His son was harmed and even if Nanny Lisa had a reason to betray him, he didn't care. If she had told him, none of this would have happened.  

"Yes sir."

Another blessed day began and after her morning salat, dua, and routine, Safiyya stood before her closet contemplating what to wear. Sometimes she wonders why women's lives were like this; you have clothes but you feel like you don't. She suddenly wished she was at home where she could dress freely in her hijab and no one would know what was underneath. 

Jessy came out of the bathroom and chuckled, watching her friend scratch her head. 

"I see that someone is planning to look presentable." she walked over. "How about I help you?" 

"Yes please Jessy," Safiyya instantly said, earning a peal of laughter from her friend. 

"Your request is my command. Now sit here," Jessy smiled and helped her sit before going back to the closet. She rummaged through it, humming a silent song before taking two pieces out. 

It was a pair of nude-colored skirts and a brown vest. Safiyya collected them and wore them, rubbing the side of the skirt. She loves the style and decides to buy more if she has the cash. 

"Looking chick and gorgeous. " Jessy complemented the true beauty which made Safiyya roll her eyes. "One more thing," Jessy said and opened her drawer, taking out a thin golden belt. 

Safiyya stared at her and she quickly explained, "It will help keep your skirt intact and you are wearing a coat over it, so fear not, no shape showing." 

"Thanks, Jessy," Safiyya smiled and turned to the mirror, checking herself out. She hummed and packed her hair into a bun and wore a cap. Jessy handed the white blazer and she finished it up with a nude-colored jersey hijab, with matching loafers. 

Safiyya squealed and engulfed Jessy in a hug. "Thanks, bestie!" 

"It's my honor. Now don't squash me," Jessy laughed and they separated.  

"I'm too small to do that. Now go dress up, so that we can leave together, " Safiyya said. 

"You might to small to squash a tall man but not this slender me," Jessy joked and ran off.  

"Jessy!" Safiyya exhaled and covered her face. She sat outside the balcony, watching the sun rise slowly. The magnificent creation of Allah always brings warmth and joy to her heart. 

"Ya Rabb," she began. "I pray that this day becomes positive, my tears washed away and I hope for a closer link to Yousef." she prayed her morning dua and once she was done, Jessy came out and locked the door before they left on their separate ways, after saying good luck to one another.  

She spent about 20 minutes on the road before she came to a skyscraper that took her breath away. It wasn't as tall as the others around it, but the building was unique. It screamed high-tech from all corners. Just the life-like display on the glass walls was enough to take one's breath away. The company's name HILL CORP was highlighted at the top 

This was the main branch where the technical, computer, and inventions activities took place. It lives up to its name. 

Safiiya said her bismillah before heading inside. Since she wasn't a staff, she went through a quick checkup before going inside and was welcomed by the marvelous interior. 

Was it the robotic female voices around, the movement of workers with robots rolling beside them, and the opening and closing of the department's door, everything amazed Safiyya. She just that she had found the right place. 

Safiyya did her homework well and Hill Corp being a sophisticated company, Muslims were working here, even though she hadn't sighted any female here. And everyone worked without disturbing the other, she won't have a hard time, hopefully.  

Every month, the accounting department arranged a test for new aspirants, choosing new workers at it. After applying and passing the technical test online, Safiyya was given the pass to join today's test. The aspirants had already gone through two tests and today was the last one. Since she passed well, the employer decided to let her join. 

Safiyya found the wide reception area and asked for the marketing department. Being someone who wasn't welcomed almost all the time, she was surprised how the receptionist checked her info professionally and gave her a pass card. She thanked him and entered the glass elevator. She rode to the 12th floor and arrived at a spacious modern area. There was a round large working area in the middle with some workers in yellow and black, working on its systems. 

On the walls were glass doors and she walked deeper to a hallway where she found the test room. 

"A32." she took a deep breath and exhaled before using the card to scan the door. 

"Welcome," A robotic voice sounded as the door opened and she walked in. 

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