19. Another encounter.

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Safiyya came out and met new files on the working desk. Gab was behind his desk, registering them in his system while munching on a hamburger. He raised his head and said to her, "You are done on time. Come register this before we continue." He stood up and left the chair for her.

Safiyya went and sat down and started the work. These files were smaller than the earlier one and they needed to keep some in the lockers. 

Time went back and Safiyya locked the last locker before keeping the key in the safe. Her stomach growled in hunger but she held it back and continued working. 

She held the machine when she felt dizzy to calm her head when Gab walked up to her. 

"There are two more hundred copies to make but let me handle it," he told her. She raised her head and he checked the time. "It's 3:30 now. You can go grab lunch and rest before 4. Go to the cafe and order anything. It's free. And before that, take these to room C12," he added pointing at the packed files. 

"Thank you," Safiyya muttered and he waved his hand. She picked up the files and went outside. She felt weak and tired but was grateful that Gab was reasonable. She entered C12 and handed the file to them. 

As she made to go out, the man in charge rushed over and handed a small box to her. 

"Everyone is busy here but can you take this to the COO's office? It's on the 19th floor," he said and walked away. 

"Great. I'm going up," Safiyya pouted and headed for the elevator. She rubbed her forehead as it moved silently and when she walked out, she was met with the quiet white walls. This place was more quiet than other parts she had been to and the hall was deserted. 

She passed through different offices and they were all higher-ups before she came by the COO. Just like the others, the secretary's office was outside it. 

"Good evening." she greeted politely and the lady gave her an inquisitive look. Safiyya dropped the box and told her it was from the delivery office. She nodded and collected it to check. 

"You can leave," she waved her hand dismissively. Safiyya shunned the poor action and walked away. 

Her stomach growled again and she wondered if there was a cafe up here. Going down seems so stressful suddenly. She decided to check and luckily came upon a pathway that led to the cafe. 

She smiled brightly and went in. The architecture was simple yet beautiful with a wooden floor, two wooden tables by the side, and bright star-shaped lights on the roof. 

Safiyya walked to the cafe window and asked politely, "Excuse me, sir. Can I get the menu?" 

The middle-aged man smiled at her politeness, his pointed mustache twitching. After all, the majority of the workers up here were arrogant. 

"Of course mon cherie. Here you go, " he smiled and handed the menu to her. Safiyya thanked him and checked for something halal as she couldn't afford to eat pork. 

"I will take the beef burger, fries, and a small-sized cup of coffee please," she ordered. 

"Give me a minute," the chef smiled and went to get her order. He handed her the package and she smiled taking it from him. 

"Thank you," she smiled. 

"You are welcome dear," he nodded nicely and she turned around to leave, only to freeze in her footsteps. 

There he stood in a blue suit, his cold blue eyes staring down at her. Safiyya lowered her gaze and her heart drummed in her chest as his tall figure walked closer. 

"What are you doing here?" he asked in a husky voice. 

"Huh?" she gasped, confused by the question.  

Alfred scowled at her naivety. "So you want me to repeat myself? What is a lowly servant like you doing up here?" 

Lowly servant? Safiyya trembled and stopped herself from frowning. She looked up briefly and replied, "I was sent here with a delivery." 

"And you decided to enter the VIP cafe. Who gave you the right too?" he growled lowly taking another step closer. 

Safiyya found herself subconsciously taking a step back. "I didn't see the name written at the top," she blurted and regretted it when Alfred raised an eyebrow at her statement but he didn't say anything more and pointed it out. "Just leave," 

Safiyya parted her lips as she hesitated to speak. She was scared of this man because he just gave her the vibe of an angry lion but she braced herself up. 

"Wait. Sir Alfred," she called out and he turned to face her. She bit her lips and asked, "How is Yousef. Can I meet him please?" she held her breath, and his face was further wrapped with ice. 

"You have a lot of nerves don't you?" he muttered as anger swelled inside him. How dare she ask him such a thing after the damage she has caused? 

"I just want to know how the child is doing?" Safiyya retorted. 

"It's none of your business," Alfred said through gritted teeth. He exhaled and pointed at her. "Your very first mistake in this life was getting involved with Joseph. I don't want to ever hear you mention him again. Ever. And you dare come to my company for what? You will regret coming here with your feet. " 

Safiyya held herself from blinking, lest she break down here. 

"What you are doing is not fair to him. You will just keep hurting him," she stated. 

"Not another word," Alfred warned sternly and turned his head. "Damian!" 

"Yes sir," the chef who was surprised by the confrontation, even if he didn't hear everything quickly ran out. He held his wrist with his head bowed. 

"Listen attentively, " Alfred told him. He turned to Safiyya and ordered, "Mark her face very well and inform the other cafe owners in this building. You aren't allowed to serve her for free like the other workers. If she wants something, let her pay for it," 

"Yes sir," Damian nodded fearfully, feeling pity for the poor girl. 

Safiyya pursed her lips as she gazed at Alfred's cold gaze. 

"Don't think that I will give up," she uttered calmly and walked away. 

Alfred hissed and left the place too. He had already lost his appetite after seeing her face. 

Damian scratched his nape wondering what just happened. 

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