5. At First Sight

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Assalamu alaikum lovelies. I can't hide my gratitude from you guys. Your support for SBM is beautiful and encouraging.

Let's get things moving on. Shall we?💓

The silver car stopped before the mart and the father and son duo came out. Alfred carried Joseph in his arms and walked in. It can't be helped as Alfred's demeanor and appearance took many women's attention but their mood dampened that he was holding a child. Nevertheless, he might be a single dad, some thoughts.

They arrived at the toy store and the young boy's eyes shined with the arrays of toys. He had a lot at home but they never stop to amaze him. Joseph didn't have friends because they didn't like playing with him, so his toys became his friends. Alfred was relieved as his son brightened up from the earlier incident.

He held him and walked in majestically. It was quite rare for a man to bring his son to the toy store, so the glances increased. A single dad but Alfred's stern face gave them second thoughts.

It was like Lopez was informed as she rushed out to greet him.

She immediately blathered,
"Mr Hill. I am so honored that you came to this store today. You can always send someone else to check on us, not that I mind your presence. Uhmm….I wonder what brought you here?"

Alfred raised his eyebrows at the stupid words this woman was saying. Is she even aware of what she is spouting?

"Does my presence have something to do with you?" He returned and she became lost for words. "I don't want unnecessary attention, so go back to your work and don't disturb my son. Stupid woman."

"Yes sir," Lopez bowed her head and quickly scurried away.

Alfred sighed in frustration and looked at his son. This mart belonged to him and the managers were familiar with him but he hated it when they flocked around him, especially the women.

"Let's go check them out?" He spoke with a smile.

"Yes Daddy," Joseph nodded excitedly.

Having found what he loved the most, Joseph became active. It was quite funny as he kept observing the toys and mumbling but didn't pick any. Alfred stayed close to his son at all times to protect him as he couldn't risk his intuition. 

It was then that a girl ran to their shelf to check out some dolls.
"Oh my. They are here!" she shouted excitedly, clapping her hands. Alfred didn't miss the startled expression Joseph got from that sound and he quickly walked up to him.

"Delilah. I told you not to run around." A pretty woman immediately came over and grabbed the girl's arm.

"Mother look, it's the new Barbie doll I told you about," the little girl Delilah whined.

"Oh," the woman nodded and froze after sighting Alfred. He wasn't paying attention to the duo and focused on his son instead. The woman immediately realized that her daughter must have scared the boy and having seen such a handsome man, she adjusted her hair and spoke in a gentle tone.

"Oh, I am so sorry sir that my daughter scared your son. You know kids. They are always loud," she said awkwardly. 

Alfred pretended like he didn't hear her and stood up with his hands in his pocket. Just how many people had the opportunity to talk to him? She should be lucky to have seen him in person.  Not to mention the nonsense that she was spouting.

The woman cleared her throat and smiled at Joseph who was back to his 'window shopping'.
"Such a cute child. It's not easy being a single parent right?" she sighed and with a raised eyebrow, Alfred gave her a look that made her shut up.

Delilah suddenly spoke too. "Hey, why are you and your dad ignoring my mum huh?" she held her hips, glaring at Joseph. Joseph turned to the girl who was taller and chubbier than him with a frown. She is loud and rude, just like the other kids, and even after ignoring her, she wants to pester him.

Delilah saw the boy's face and pointed at him with a giggle.
"Mother look, his eyes are funny. Hahaha," she chuckled.

The mother became scared at the glare Alfred was giving her daughter and pulled her back. "Stop it you girl," she scolded. That man's attitude told her that he wasn't someone to joke with and here is her daughter making jest of his son. Delilah was used to it and her mother didn't stop her. It seemed she was going to put her in trouble today.

"You are lucky that she is a child," Alfred started to them and brought Joseph away.

The mother breathed relief and glared at her daughter. "Do you have to comment on anything you see?!"

"I was just stating the truth," Delilah pouted.

"Just shut up and you are not getting this doll." the woman scolded again.

"You are bad. Bad!!" Delilah cried and her mother had to block her ears.

Meanwhile, Alfred brought Joseph to another section of the toy store. Luckily, the place was quiet. What puzzled him was how Joseph was unfazed about the girl's comment. Has he been so busy that he didn't know what was going on in his son's life? He sighed and rested on a shelf.

He got a phone call and picked it up, seeing that it was his vice CEO, Irene.
"Alfred, the investors from Bristol are here. Where are you?" she asked immediately,  knowing that he prefers going straight to the point. Of course, only she could call his name and talk like this casually. 

"Get them an accommodation or cancel the appointment, " he said calmly.

"What? Come on. This is important. Why would you…." she insisted and he cut her short. "Was I speaking in an alien language or what?"

"Sorry Alfred. But…We might lose them." Irene said.

"Then deal with it," he said nonchalantly. 

"Huh? You want me to hold the meeting?" she asked in a stupor.

Goodness, Alfred hissed inwardly and ended the call. He won't leave when his son needs him. Raising his head, he paused as his eyes caught sight of a figure three shelves away from them.

Her petite figure stood there silently, with her hands clasped behind her. Her sparkling green yet melancholic eyes stared at some toys with curiosity. She reached out to one of the fluffy rabbits and smiled after feeling its warmth. Her smile was cute, gentle, and so innocent that it got him in a trance.

But that smile froze and she pouted before keeping the stuffed toy back and walking away.

Alfred snapped out of his daze and scowled immediately. He felt like strangling himself for that. Didn't he see the hijab she was wearing? When did he become attentive to women, especially those like her? That gentleness, that smile, they are all fake. He clenched his fist and took a deep breath before returning his face to his son.

Even though he loved his son immensely, he still reminds him of that betrayal. It was a part of his life that he wished it was erased from his life but that was impossible.

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