55. The harsh reality is harsh.

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Safiyya laid her new uniform on the bed and walked over to the mirror to brush her long hair. Excitement was written all over her face because right from the moment she saw that yellow uniform, she fell in love with it and now she was wearing one. 

Now she was in an ash colored vest tucked into her black skirt as she hummed silently. 

Joseph was sitting on the bed with his jacket in hand and a pout. "Mummy, can I have the sweet now?" he asked. 

Safiyya held her hips and looked at him with narrowed eyes. This was the fifth time he was asked since she started getting ready. She prepared some delicacies yesterday to celebrate her promotion and kept the Kheer for today before they left the house.

Having eaten the local foods, Joseph awaited the mouth-watering treat his mummy spoke about. For a second, she almost regretted describing its taste and let him do it himself. But she is grateful because he has waited till today. 

"Yousef, You will have it now after I wear my shirt," she told him. 

"But your hair is so long and it will take ages before you finish combing it," he whined dramatically. Safiyya chuckled, knowing that her son was just making a tantrum because of the kheer. 

"One minute baby," she said and intended to tie her hair when he shouted, "One minute over!"  

He laughed and ran out of the room. She gasped and grabbed her shirt going after him. 

"Yousef!" she shouted running after him. The Kheer was in the top cupboard and she had no either what this first boy would do. They reached the kitchen and Joseph had already grabbed the stool and climbed it. 

"Yousef, you are going to hurt yourself, " she scolded and grabbed his waist. Joseph pouted because his hands didn't even reach the drawer handle. "Oh God," he whimpered and glanced at his mummy who gave him an amused look. 

"You are not giving it to me now right?" he said dejectedly and she sighed before bringing him down. She held his shoulder and smiled at him. "I understand you baby. You know when my mother used to make Kheer, I used to cling onto her while she worked and whine until she gave it to me. So don't frown okay?" 

"Can I have some now?" he shined his teeth and she laughed which he joined. 

"That was dangerous," a voice broke their moment and they turned their head to meet Alfred standing there with his arms folded. He was wearing a silver buttoned shirt with a black tie and black trousers. His mere presence made his son blink in nervousness. 

"Running down the stairs early in the morning and climbing stools is very dangerous you know," he said glancing at Safiyya but a glint flashed in his eyes and he averted from her back to his son. 

"Joseph, what did I tell you about running around the house?" he inquired. 

"Nothing?" Joseph scratched his head in confusion.  

"Uhmm…you two catch up first," Safiyya said and hurriedly ran away from there. Alfred fought himself not to look her way and asked Joseph instead, "What's in the drawer?" 

"Sweet!" Joseph answered loudly with shiny eyes. Alfred raised an eyebrow and went over to open the drawer. Joseph rubbed his palms as he watched his father bring out the kheer in a covered glass bowl. Alfred dropped it on the table and quickly held his son's hand because Joseph had rushed with a spoon. 

"Didn't your mother just stop you from eating it first?" he asked surprisingly. 

"But she said I can have it," Joseph pouted. 

"Be a good boy and wait for her. Now sit," Alfred said calmly. Joseph sighed and sat down holding his chin. "No one is supporting me today," he grumbled but his father's mind was somewhere else to answer him. 

Stand by meDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora