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They chuckle and smile at each other as they chat on the couch. If you asked me what the two girls are talking about I'd have no idea. I'm not even paying any attention to what is being said, I'm just so caught up in watching their joy-filled faces.

The two lights of my life together in one place right in front of me seeming so happy. What more could I want? What more could I need? I mean I need my mate back and healthy. He's missing out on so much. We do everything together and I hate not having him around.

"Skye? Skye! Do you want tomato in your tacos?" I ask while preparing the three of us some dinner.

She turns her head away from their busy conversation to give me a quick 'no'.

"Didn't think so." I chuckle to myself.

The girl has always been a picky eater and I certainly didn't raise her to be that way. I'm definitely anything but a picky eater.

I haven't mentioned it to them yet but I have a therapy appointment tomorrow. They both are aware I'm getting myself some help, I told them both it's something I'm starting again. I have no shame in seeing a psychologist tomorrow, the only hesitation I have is that I will have to leave them alone for an hour. It's not that they will misbehave or anything, they're both adults. It's more that I'm worried about Ava.

I haven't left her side since the hospital after she thought I was dead. She's doing much better, but that sort of trauma can come flooding back if she's on her own. Especially when it's still so fresh. I know she technically has Skye, but she's just met the girl and isn't overly familiar with her. So I do feel guilty thinking Ava could panic or something will happen to her while I'm gone.

See, this is half my issue. Not taking care of myself before I take care of others. I'm going to end up canceling the session because I'm concerned that Ava won't be ok.

I'm over thinking it. I'm acting as if something will happen. There's a fifty percent chance she will be totally fine but I seem to focus on the fifty percent chance she won't.

I stir the seasoned mince in the pan. I've chopped up some taco salads ready to put into the shells when they come out of the oven.

Skye pulls out her phone, showing Ava stuff on her screen. Probably photos and videos she has. Ava hasn't had her phone since it was taken the day of the ordeal. The cops used it as much needed evidence and although they will eventually return it, I don't think she will want anything to do with it or the messages it still holds.

Turning off the stove, I take out the taco shells, placing two on the girls' plates and four on mine. I fill them with ground beef, some shredded cheese, salsa and salads, making sure to leave tomato and salsa out of Skye's.

"Here guys, dinner's ready." I smile, interrupting their conversation again.

They both get out of their spot on the couch, still yapping away as they grab their plates. No matter how deep in conversation they are, I get a very enthusiastic thank you from both girls.

I take a seat on the separate two seater couch as they take up the one I usually sit on. I guess I better keep Cal's seat warm for when he gets back.

"Well, what do you think Ash?" Skye's voice breaks me out of a trance.

"Huh? What about?"

More Than a Teacher - Ashton IrwinWhere stories live. Discover now