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I'm in the devils classroom from hell with Mr
Parker glaring at me with a burning sour look. In this moment I want nothing more than to sock him right in the mouth and show him enough is enough. This has been going on since the start of this year. Now it's the end of August and I've had enough.

I shouldn't be scared of the consequences because he is the one who's mistreating his student. He is in the wrong here.

Nothing was able to be done about being falsely reported last week and I believe the chat Parker had with the principal, he made a story up to make me seem like I'm lying. It sucks that it's his word over mine. It's fucked actually. All because he's a teacher, he gets the benefit of the doubt.

For future incidents this means they would believe him over me, so how am I possibly going to have anyone take me seriously.  I'm even surprised with the help of Calum and Ashton emailing that he still got away with it.

"So as part of revision for your upcoming exam we will be doing a Kahoot to start this lesson."

Mr Parker announces to the the class with little
emotion in his tone. It's always so blunt and monotonous.

The class likes his idea as it's a fun and simple game and a good way to do revision. Everyone gets out their devices, whether it's a phone or laptop and enters the class code projected on the board.

The name 'Hugh Janus' pops up making the class snicker and giggle at the boy who sat up the back. Mr Parker is clearly oblivious to what it sounds out to be.

I put my name 'Ava' in and it appeared on the screen at the same time as a few others, only my name got deleted. The asshole clicked the 'x' on my name, booting me from the game. Maybe it's an accident so I retype my name letting it show on the board again. Within seconds he deliberately deletes it.

"Everyone in? Great, let's start." He begins the game before I get a chance to join and be a part of it.

What an actual cunt.

"Fuck you, sir." I mutter bitterly, just loud enough for him to hear over the chatter of the class.

"Testing my patience yet again, darling." He seethes through gritted teeth, releasing a cringing shudder down my spine.

No one gets to call me pet names except Ash.

I sharply inhale and fold my arms over my chest.
I just want to be in Ashton's class already where I know I'm valid and cared for as a human being.

I saw him already today when we had first break as he had my lunch. I told him I'd be sitting with my friends at second break but after this period, I'm not sure I'll be sane or calm enough to interact with them.

I sit back in my plastic chair watching the game of Kahoot play in front of me. There's happy squeals when people get the right answer and playful groans when they have shifted down the leaderboard. I just get to watch everyone have fun.

I hope he chokes on his spit and dies.

I sit and let my mind wander as I have nothing else to do. I wonder if I'll get any shifts at the cafe since I haven't had any for nearly a month. If they seriously don't have work for me, just tell me so I can find a new job instead of hanging around waiting for a shift. I need some cash so I can buy myself some things. I don't need Ashton doing everything for me.

Since I'm broke, I'm unable to fulfill the payments needed for the rent of my parents place. It's been a few weeks since I was notified that I was a month overdue and by now, I'm sure the landlord would have showed up at the house and given an eviction notice. It's not like I want them to become homeless, I'm better than that. However I don't have a choice, I'm not earning money and I can't control that.

More Than a Teacher - Ashton IrwinWhere stories live. Discover now