"Sorry about your parents," he said. He didn't wait for a reply and disappeared, but Eden wouldn't even have known what to say, too surprised that he'd said that. She sighed and went back to looking at the landscape, which was beginning to look a little more rural. Eden shivered and the compartment door opened again. This time, two smiling faces appeared and Eden was relieved. If there were two people she liked a lot, it was Elina Hederson and Joshua Snow. Three people who were as different as they could possibly be but linked by a unique bond.

"Hi," said Elina, sitting down opposite her. Elina was wearing a Hufflepuff uniform, Joshua was wearing a Gryffindor uniform and Eden was wearing a Ravenclow uniform and people often wondered why the three of them were together, but the secret was well kept. Only the three of them knew. And even if they knew that Mattheo was the heir to Slytherin, he knew nothing about them.

"Stop looking at me like that," said Eden. "I'm fine."

"If you want to talk.." Joshua began. A simple look silenced him. Friends might have been a big word. Were they or were they just obliged to be with each other? They had no duty to each other and Eden preferred to believe that they were friends because they wanted to be and not because of an inheritance. The train sped by and when it reached its destination, she stood up and retrieved her bag before getting in line to get off.

She paid no attention to the others until she felt a hand on her ass and a warm sigh in her ear. Despite herself, she shivered when Theodore's deep voice broke the silence she had tried to create around her. She could hear the smile in his voice.

"You have a firm ass, Marks," he said, "maybe you'd like to take a trip to the toilet." He laughed and Eden grinned a little.

"Too bad for you, you won't get a chance to see what that ass can do," she replied. Theodore laughed harder and released her to leave with his friends. Eden's breath was short and her eyes met Mattheo's. For a brief moment, she saw his eyes. She saw anger in them, but it wasn't directed at her. Joshua hissed and she looked away, resting her eyes on the bespectacled young man. He had glasses so big they covered his entire face.

"Am I dreaming or did he put his hand on your bottom?" said Joshua.

"What an idiot," muttered Elina. "I don't understand why you're having fun with them". Elina looked at her and Eden shrugged.

"I play with them because they're morons and they deserve to be shown that a girl can play as well as they can," Eden sighed.

Eden was used to it. That hand on her bottom, that insinuation, it all stemmed from that stupid joke last Christmas. They'd made her drink a potion and she'd started to develop feelings for Theodore and had almost kissed him in the toilet, but the spell had been broken immediately and Eden had come to her senses in time to punch him in the face.

The redhead climbed into the carriage and, when the castle was in sight, she went inside and smelled it. She sat down at her table and listened distractedly as the headmaster made his usual speech to the new pupils. It was always the same, not a word changed. This time, however, he addressed Eden.

"As some of you know, we have suffered a tragic loss in the wizarding world," said the Headmaster. "Professor Marks, who taught the history of magic, and his wife have tragically lost their lives, but have left behind many memories..."

Eden didn't listen. She didn't want to hear about her parents's generosity and all that went with it, partly because she knew it was true and it hurt to hear, and partly because she could hear sniggering. Mattheo, Blaise, Lorenzo and Theodore were obviously not listening and the Slytherin girls were looking at them. It was always like that, and she rolled her eyes.

They were handsome, rich and popular. Their future was set and everyone seemed to forget that Mattheo was the son of the Dark Lord. It was as if, because he was handsome, they forgot his heritage, but he would end up like his father, it was only a matter of time. Eden knew this and felt sorry for him. As soon as the meal started and the noise and bustle became loud enough for no one to notice her, Eden got up and left the great hall.

A banner announced a Quidditch match and welcomed everyone. Eden left through the main door and climbed the nearest tree. It was her place and no one could see her, or at least no one had ever said so. She took a free moment to read before the sun disappeared completely and she was so absorbed in her reading that she didn't immediately notice that there was someone below her.

The smell of cigarettes itched at her nostrils and she looked down. A grimace formed on her face. There was not one, but three people. A girl from Slytherin was kissing Theodore while Mattheo smoked and passed the cigarette to his best friend so that he, in turn kissed the girl before she walked away laughing. He took his cigarette back and leaned against the tree.

"So," said Theo, pointing to the bruise on his friend's cheek. "What was it for this time? "

"My existence, I guess," Mattheo scoffed. Theodore remained silent and patted Mattheo on the back. Eden listened and frowned. Theodore moved away but Mattheo remained against the tree, smoking in silence. Seeing him without him being able to see her made Eden feel like she was doing something wrong and she blushed. However, she couldn't just get down from there, he was bound to see her.

He'd have to go eventually, wouldn't he? Eden pursed her lips, her ass starting to hurt and she felt the need to go to the toilet. She tried to lean against the tree trunk but saw her book slipping and tried to catch it. She gasped when it fell at Matthew's feet. He didn't seem surprised, because he didn't even flinch. He bent down, picked it up and studied it.

"I'm quite surprised you're reading this," he said. "I know you sleep with guys, but watching you read sex books is kind of fun. I guess reading's not that boring."

Eden sighed, hearing the smile in his voice and seeing him raise his head towards her. Their eyes met and she felt her cheeks flush. He knew her well enough to know it was her in the tree. She jumped to her feet and snatched the book from his hands.

"It's not an erotic novel," Eden lied.

"Really? My sister loves this book, don't take me for a fool." Mattheo looked at her and she finally lowered her eyes. The boy put an arm over his head and leaned against the trunk, leaning forward slightly. Eden's feet were firmly planted on the ground as she felt him loosen her hair and lean into her ear. His lips brushed against her skin and she felt her heart race.

"And when his hand cupped her throat, she belonged to him. She belonged to him, because if he squeezed just a little harder, he could kill her, but he didn't want to make her scream in pain. Instead, he wanted to make her scream in pleasure, to take her so hard that she would be unable to walk," Mattheo recited with a smile.

Eden swallowed hard and looked up, his smirk making her want to punch him. She gasped in surprise as he grabbed her and pinned her against the tree. She felt his firm hand on her thigh, his fingers digging into her skin, and she gasped again.

" Then," he said, "what do you call this?" Eden looked at him and she looked sensual.

"Any more and I'd wet my knickers, i call that reading, asshole." She knew that Mattheo liked it and she intended to use it against him.

"Don't worry, it's our secret. No one will know you're a little naughty even though everyone knows you're sleeping with Ron, Henry and who knows? How many others?" said Mattheo.

"You'd like to know, but all that matters is that you, Mattheo, won't get the chance to be on the list." Eden pushed him away before walking away. Mattheo was an idiot and yet she couldn't ignore the fact that he was sexy. The young girl locked herself in the toilet and she locked herself in a cabin. What irritated Eden most wasn't Mattheo. It was that this discussion had really got her knickers wet.

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