Chapter 07: Starsurge

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The castle stood boldly on the magenta horizon, emphasizing (Y/n)'s iconic color that seemed to embrace the very essence of her being. It appeared as if conjured from the pages of a whimsical child's storybook, its towers reaching towards the heavens in a display of fantastical architecture.

The magenta hue of the castle wasn't just a color; it was a statement, a reflection of (Y/n)'s vibrant personality. Each stone was meticulously chosen, contributing to the overall enchantment of the structure. The castle seemed to hold secrets and tales within its walls, waiting to be unraveled by those who ventured into its enchanting embrace.

So when (Y/n) first gazed upon the majestic castle, her imagination ran wild. She pictured nine-tailed foxes gracefully prancing in the courtyard, their outlandish presence adding an extra layer of magic to the already fantastical scene. If those majestic towers could exist, why not mythical creatures to accompany them?

Every stone in the castle was not only well-placed but also evenly square. It was as if they were artisans pursuing perfection, pouring their love and craftsmanship into every inch of the structure. The result was a fortress that not only stood tall but radiated an aura of timeless beauty.

The walls of the castle were more than just barriers; they were protectors of ancient knowledge. Lined with shelves displaying weathered tomes, each book seemed to whisper tales of centuries past. It was a library that complemented (Y/n)'s insatiable pursuit of knowledge, a haven where the echoes of laughter and the rustling of pages intertwined harmoniously.

The castle, with its perfect blend of enchantment and purpose, stood as a shelter for the millennia to come. It was a sanctuary for (Y/n) and her companions, a timeless bastion that would cradle the echoes of their adventures and aspirations. As the magenta hues painted the sky beyond, the castle remained a beacon of dreams and magic, inviting those who beheld it to step into a world where reality and fantasy danced hand in hand.

Currently, Portgas D. Ace entered the castle — into the main hall where he finds his lover, gazing at him with a combination of teasing and mocking look plastered on her face, her single diamon-like tail in show, swaying behind her.

"My, my~" (Y/n) continued with a mischievous glint in her eyes with a fan covering held up, covering her lower face. "Abandoning me for months, leaving me in this palace with nothing Oh, my love~ you certainly know how to make a lover feel cherished."

Ace, still avoiding eye contact, scratched the back of his head awkwardly. "I didn't mean to stay away for so long. The curse caught me by surprise, and I thought it would be a quick adventure, you know?"

(Y/n) chuckled, her voice adopting a playful tone. "Quick adventure, you say? Well, aren't you the master of underestimation, my love. I've been brewing potions and conjuring spells, all while you've been gallivanting across the seas."

Ace sighed, realizing he was in for some teasing. "I appreciate your magical prowess, (Y/n). But you're the only one who can help me break this curse. Allow me to make it up to you, I promise." Lowering his head to show how guilty he is.

(Y/n), feigning innocence, tilted her head with an exaggerated expression with her diamond-like tails swaying teasingly behind her back. "Help you, darling? After you promised to be back in just a week? You see, I've been spending my time perfecting the art of dramatic exits in your absence."

Ace mustered a sheepish grin. "I know, I messed up. But you're the only one who can help me. The curse is getting worse."

(Y/n) continued her dramatic sigh, "Oh, the woes of a cursed pirate! How utterly poetic. You didn't even think of presenting any gifts, no fruits, or no trinkets? Just to greet your lover after neglecting her for those mundane pirate duties of yours? I'm very disappointed."

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