Prolouge: Starborn

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"You're adorable, Ace~"

"Don't abuse it, Sparkle."

Vollerei (Y/n) kneels beside Ace's prone figure, who lies peacefully atop the intricate magic circle she's crafted. Her grimoire, filled with centuries of arcane wisdom, hovers in the air beside her, its pages ready to reveal their secrets. With a mischievous chuckle, Vollerei appreciates Ace's unique birthday gift – to be the central subject of her magical experiments for the day.

(Y/n)'s eyes shine with sincere joy, clearly enthusiastic about the magical experiment. "You being the subject of my witchcraft? What a delightful surprise!" Her hands come together in a clapping motion, and she adds, "This is the first time you've willingly offered yourself for my witchcraft. I'd be dishonest if I said I didn't love your birthday gift!"

Ace playfully tuts, pretending to second-guess himself, "I'm beginning to think I made a mistake... Alright, I'm out." He starts to stand from the magic circle, but (Y/n) gently and unexpectedly pushes him back down. Her broad smile causes his cheeks to flush as their faces draw near, creating a tender and intimate moment between them.

(Y/n) leans in even closer to Ace, her eyes still twinkling with excitement, and whispers playfully, "No backing out now, Ace. You're in for a day of enchantment, and I promise you won't regret a single moment of it." She then gives him a light, teasing peck on his cheeks to show how grateful she is.

Ace grumbles, clearly slightly annoyed yet his blush only darkens on the sensation of lingering peck (Y/n) gave him, "You and your enchantments, (Y/n). You're lucky it's your birthday, or I'd seriously reconsider this. Just remember, no turning me into a toad or anything like that, okay?" He grumbled, trying to hide his irritation as he settles back into the magic circle, ready to endure whatever magical surprises the day may hold.

(Y/n)'s eyes sparkle with even more enthusiasm, her excitement contagious. "I promise, Ace, no toad transformations today!" She beams at him and continues with her magical preparations, eager to share a day filled with wonder and surprises, knowing that Ace's willingness to participate in her world of magic is the best birthday gift she could have received.

In the heart of the forest, Ace willingly becomes the canvas for (Y/n)'s magical experiments, a sense of trust and adventure enveloping them. (Y/n) approaches her craft with caution, ensuring Ace remains unharmed throughout the day. Her spells and enchantments create a magical symphony in the midst of nature.

As (Y/n) mumbles her incantations, her hair flows behind her like a mystical veil, and her eyes, filled with stars, shine brilliantly. It's a mesmerizing sight as the elements of the forest seem to dance in harmony with her spellcasting, following her every command. For Ace, this experience is pure bliss, a chance to witness (Y/n) in a new, captivating light, discovering yet another facet of her enchanting world.

Ace observes in awe as (Y/n) weaves her spells amidst the forest's natural beauty. Each incantation she utters feels like a thread of enchantment, binding the world around them to her will. Leaves seem to flutter in response, birds momentarily halt their songs, and a gentle breeze carries the soft resonance of her voice.

The atmosphere is filled with an air of pure magic, making the day an enchanting adventure for both of them. The more (Y/n) delves into her witchcraft, the deeper their connection becomes, as Ace is drawn into the captivating world of her craft and the boundless wonder it holds.

"Under the stars' celestial might so true,
I cast a spell, a blessing meant for you.
With every twinkle, a wish I send,
May love and joy your heart forever mend.

In moonlight's glow, I speak this rhyme,
Astral blessings for you, throughout time.
May fortune follow in your stride,
As the stars above forever be your guide.

May the constellations above bestow,
On you, dear Ace, a radiant glow.
With each night's sky, as stars align,
May your path be lit, your spirit shine."
(Y/n) leans in and gently places a tender kiss on Ace's forehead, sealing the spell with a touch of warmth and affection. The forest, once charged with the witch's powerful magic, gradually calms down, and the serene stillness of nature returns, as if acknowledging and embracing the astral blessing bestowed upon Ace by the enchanting witch.

Ace, his cheeks blushing slightly, looks both confused and intrigued by (Y/n)'s actions. "I'm not entirely sure what just happened," he stammers, "but I feel like the luckiest person in the world right now." He grins, a mix of curiosity and delight in his expression, as he tries to make sense of the magical moment they've shared.

(Y/n) giggles in response to his reaction, saying, "You're such a goof! I've actually cast a blessing spell on you. It'll only be in effect for a day, though. I'm still working on figuring out how to make it last a lifetime." Her laughter dances through the air, and her words carry an undertone of fondness as she shares her magical intentions with him.

Ace smirks playfully and responds, "Well, hopefully you won't figure it out, because I wouldn't mind getting a sweet forehead kiss from you every day." His lighthearted comment carries a hint of affection, appreciating the warmth of (Y/n)'s magical and heartfelt gestures.

"Such words for encouragement, Ace." (Y/n) retorted as she rolled her eyes playfully.

"Ahh always here to offer a bit of encouragement," Ace quips with a grin, embracing the playful eye-rolling from (Y/n) with a hint of charm in his response. Their banter creates a cheerful and affectionate atmosphere in the midst of the enchanted forest.

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