Chapter 03: Starshine

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As the days wore on, (Y/n) found herself grappling with the weight of Ace's persistent scrutiny, his steely glares seeming to pierce through the very fabric of her being and leave her feeling vulnerable and unsettled. Despite her attempts to avoid his gaze, the intensity of his stares lingered in the corners of her consciousness, a constant reminder of the enigmatic presence that seemed to loom over their shared space.

In the bustling confines of the cottage, Dadan made (Y/n) took on the role of caretaker that extremely exhaust her. From the early hours of the morning until the late hours of the evening, she busied herself with the task of cooking hearty meals, tending to the clutter that seemed to accumulate with each passing day, and meticulously tending to the ever-growing pile of laundry that she despise so much.

Her grimoire, once a source of solace and wonder, now lay forgotten on the small desk in her room, its ancient pages gathering dust as the demands of her newfound responsibilities eclipsed the whimsical pursuits of magic and enchantment. With each passing day, (Y/n) found herself drawn deeper into the routine of domesticity, the allure of her spells and incantations fading into the background as she grappled with the physical and emotional toll that seemed to weigh heavily on her slender shoulders.

Despite the occasional use of her magic to ease the burden of her chores, (Y/n) found herself succumbing to an exhaustion that seemed to settle deep within her bones, leaving her drained and listless in the wake of each passing day.

As (Y/n) stood at the threshold of Ace's room, with a gentle exhale, she stepped inside, her emerald eyes sweeping over the sparse furnishings and the scattered remnants of the flame-haired youth's presence. Cobwebs clung to the corners, their delicate strands glistening in the soft light that filtered through the small window, while a thin layer of dust settled on the surfaces, casting a muted pall over the room's once vibrant energy.

"What is this abomination?!" She exclaimed, complaining the atmosphere of Ace's room and tie a mask to cover her mouth a nose to prevent dust to enter her nostrils and mouth.

With a gentle wave of her hand, (Y/n) summoned forth a soft glow that enveloped the room, bathing the disarray in a gentle light. The broom in her hand glided across the floor, the bristles sweeping away the accumulated dust and debris with a sense of diligence and care, while a cloth dampened with a subtle enchantment traced a gentle path along the walls, dispelling the clinging cobwebs with a gentle flick of her wrist.

In the stillness of the room, (Y/n) moved with a quiet reverence that belied the weight of her responsibilities, as she was maintaining the respect she has for Ace's privacy.

"Oi! Where's the witch?"

"I'm here!" (Y/n) voiced out with a soft tone, and immediately revealed herself to Dadan.

Dadan gave her a basket, "Go get some fruits outside."

(Y/n) stared at her with wide eyes.

Dadan's gruff voice resonated through the cottage, her no-nonsense demeanor softened slightly as she regarded (Y/n) with a mixture of fond exasperation and grudging affection. "Well, don't just stand there, kid," she said, "The fruits won't pick themselves. Off you go now, and mind you don't get lost in the woods."

(Y/n) nodded eagerly, her star eyes alight as she accepted the basket from Dadan's outstretched hands. "I'll be back in no time," she assured her caretaker, "I know just where to find the best fruits. You can count on me."

Dadan's gruff exterior softened further as she watched (Y/n) make her way to the door, a soft smile gracing her weathered features as she murmured under her breath. "She's a good kid, Garp." she muttered, her voice barely above a whisper.

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