Chapter 06: Starstorm

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Everything's burning.

Fire rages, a merciless dance of orange and red consuming the wooden stakes where (Y/n)'s family is bound. The acrid scent of burning wood mingles with the haunting screams of agony that echo through the night, each cry etching itself into (Y/n)'s soul. The flames devour every last vestige of their existence, leaving nothing but a haunting silhouette against the backdrop of the inferno.

Through tear-streaked eyes, (Y/n) watches helplessly as the world around her crumbles in the ruthless embrace of the merciless fire. The flickering flames reflect in her eyes, mirroring the devastation that unfolds before her. Each snap and crackle of the burning pyre seems to punctuate the heart-wrenching cries, creating a symphony of despair that resonates within the depths of her being.

The moonlit room offered no solace as (Y/n) wrestled with the echoes of her nightmares, the remnants of the fiery horrors that continued to haunt her even in the sanctuary of sleep. Her breaths came in ragged gasps, the oppressive weight of the memories pressing down on her fragile composure.

The moon's soft glow cast elongated shadows across the room, mimicking the flickering dance of flames that lingered in the recesses of her mind. (Y/n)'s trembling form sought refuge in the fetal position, a feeble attempt to shield herself from the onslaught of haunting images that refused to relent.

As the room remained silent, the only audible sound was the rhythmic cadence of her sobs. "Please... go away," she whispered, a plea not only to the lingering specters of her nightmares but to the relentless grip that the past held on her present. The darkness outside seemed to mimic the shadows within her, a somber reflection of the emotional tumult that refused to subside. "Leave me alone, please." She added.

"What did I do wrong?" She asked herself, or rather, to the world.

The mere flicker of a flame sends shivers down (Y/n)'s spine, an involuntary reaction born from the profound trauma etched into the very core of her being. Fire, once a symbol of warmth and companionship, has transformed into an abhorrent specter haunting her every waking moment.

The crackling of burning wood echoes in her ears like a cruel symphony, a constant reminder of the agonizing screams and the searing pain she witnessed that fateful night. The scent of charred wood and the acrid aftermath of combustion trigger an overwhelming surge of dread, as if the flames themselves have manifested to taunt her.

In the wake of the fiery tragedy, (Y/n) finds herself trapped in a relentless loop of vivid nightmares, each one a vivid replay of the inferno that claimed her family. The very thought of fire elicits an instinctual fear, a visceral reaction that clenches at her chest and brings forth the haunting images of that harrowing night.

Every candle's gentle glow, every bonfire's crackle, becomes a potential trigger, pulling her back into the nightmarish abyss of loss. The trauma of that fiery ordeal is a constant companion, casting a shadow over even the simplest moments, turning the once benign element into a relentless tormentor of her peace of mind.

"Sparkle?" Ace called, he pushed himself into a sitting position, the tangled mess of his raven hair falling haphazardly over his forehead.

The room seemed to hold its breath as Ace's gaze landed on (Y/n), wrapped in the tendrils of her own distress. She was bundled up by her nine diamond-like tails to soothe her.

Without waiting for a response, Ace shifted closer to get a closer look, bringing his blanket and pillows with him to lay beside her.

(Y/n)'s teary eyes turned towards Ace, the glimmer of distress still lingering in her eyes. She attempted a fragile smile, "Sorry for waking you," she murmured.

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