I know they'd be fuming, thinking that I'm a betraying bitch but in reality I've always stuck by them, even after every pain possible was inflicted on me. I don't know where they would go either which would be a little unnerving to think that they could be roaming anywhere.

Neither my mum or dad have money, they've never had phones and don't have a car so I don't see how they could survive long unless one of them got a job. That is so far-fetched though, as if my parents would get a job. I'm not sure who'd want to employ them anyways.

"Ava Thompson stay after class you are not doing anything! You'd think after being reported that you'd pick up your act."

I glare up at him in utter confusion as he sits at his desk. You can see the fury ticking over minute by minute in his face. He's literally infuriated by just my presence I swear.

"I'm so confused, what am I supposed to do when you boot me from the game?" I remark, raising my voice a little to state the true facts.

Everyone is too caught up in having fun with the Kahoot to notice our conversation across the class.

"Something other than sit there and do nothing.
You're seventeen, you should be smart enough to figure out what you should do." He narrows his eyes and looks at me over the top of his glasses.

"Sorry, you could have told me. And by the way I'm sixteen, get your facts right." I bite back with no guilt.

It's not my problem, he should have given me instruction if he couldn't allow me to play the game. For all I know, he probably would have kept me back regardless of whether I was doing work or not.

"Your problem, not mine." He rolls his eyes. Of course he says that, nothing is ever his problem or fault because he's just so perfect.

"Why can't I do Kahoot anyways? Everyone else is. What have I done differently?" I interrogate and clench my fist out of frustration and irritation.

"Not the right time or place to discuss this, not to mention you're overreacting." His jaw clenches as he speaks lowly and sternly at me.

I internally grunt and want to lash out at him but standing up for myself will only cause a scene and I'm not willing to put myself in that position again.

The quiz finishes up with the leaderboard appearing on the board to show the names of who placed. 'Georgina <3' is printed across the title of first place. The goody-two shoes herself bats her lashes with a pleased yet stuck up grin on her face. I can't stand her. People who think the sun shines out of their ass are so annoying. No wonder Mr Parker and her get along so well.

"Well done Georgina, it's clear you've been listening in class. Terrific work."

The lesson goes on to explain in depth what our exam is. I make notes as he speaks at a rapid pace making sure that I understand exactly what I have to do. I note that it's an analytical essay on the Russian revolution. We will be given three primary sources that we have to analyze and around two hours to complete it. He goes over the structure of an essay as a reminder before the dreadful lesson comes to an end, only to begin an equally dreadful one on one talk with the asshole himself.

Everyone stampedes out the doors leaving the room very uncomfortable and almost eerie. He's sitting at the front desk, typing into his computer as if I'm not here.

Fine, if I'm not going to be called up, it looks like I have to go up myself.

Slinging my bag over my shoulder I shuffle across the floor to situate myself in front of his desk. He doesn't even acknowledge me standing right behind the screen of his computer. What a rude pig.

More Than a Teacher - Ashton IrwinWhere stories live. Discover now