Start from the beginning

"Wait– what are you, all doing! It help us defeated the goddess statue?" Said Jingyi as he told the cultivators.

"what's to be scared of? It's not like the Yiling Patriarch is here! Her owner's already been cut to pieces!" They said, Jingyi who clearly had a bad feeling to happened...

"If we kill her, from today on we'll be famous!" They said, since the general Ghost, Wen Qing was the very famous corpse that the people cultivator wanted the one to kill it..

"But she clearly saved us just a moment ago.." sizhui said as he tried to stop the cultivators for the sudden actions..

"A mere dog who lost its owner, yet she's still so arrogant!" They all said, Jiang Cheng heard what the cultivators as he clinched to his bamboo flute..

As they tried to attack the general Ghost Qing. The general Ghost Qing turned and dodge the attack as she attacks back at them. The cultivators marched and attack the general Ghost Qing..

YiChen watches the scene and shock as he watches the general Ghost Qing attacking the cultivators. "...." a heavy breath he let out as he stared at the general Ghost for a long minutes..

"Oh no. The melody was too aggressive, too sudden. It evoked the killing intent in her." Jiang Cheng as he thinks of what to play, that can make Wen Qing calm down.

Screaming can be heard at the forest the rest keeps fighting the general Ghost Qing.

"How about a calmer, quieter tune... Calmer, quieter..." He said as he pressed his lip to the bamboo flute that he made and starting playing the calmer song.

Jing cheng as he plays it, he closed his eyes and focused as he plays the calmer songs, the song he plays was the song that Lan XiChen sing it when the two of them got stuck at the cave alone "calmer.."


"THE CORPSE IS GONNA KILL SOMEONE!" they said, is the general Ghost chock tye two cultivators lifted them up at the air.

Jingyi and Sizhui watches the scene, shizui sighed, as the cultivators for not listening to what he says, "you were clearly the people who provoked her first..."

Wen Qing who was lost in focused, she heard a calmer song as it was played, "Wen Qing, it's me." Jiang Cheng played the song as he make sure that wen Qing will calm down..

The music of the flute the tune was bad but wen qing seems to stop and heard it's song that Jing cheng played.. Wen Qing drop the two cultivators that she chocked and slowly turned and begin to walk towards Jiang Cheng.

"Are you alright?" One of the cultivator said as he helped the two cultivators who been chocked by the general Ghost. "REPORT TO SEXT IMMEDIATELY! SOMEBODY CAN CONTROL THE GHOST GENERAL USING A FLUTE!" said the cultivator as the rest runs off to report it to the sect leader. Who knew which sect leader..

Sizhui, Jingyi, Jin Ling, and YiChen was surprised from the senior mo as they watched him controlling the general Ghost by its flute.

"Young master mo!" Said sizhui as he watches the general Ghost walks towards him. Jiang Cheng didn't mind the people around him as he continue to play the song, slowly walk backwards whenever wen qing step by step towards him. "Go back, Wen Qing..." The general Ghost keeps walking towards him as Jiang Cheng tried to send Wen Qing away before some sect leader would come and capture her by forced..

Jiang Cheng who keeps walking backwards as he luring wen Qing away from the cultivators who tried to attack her.. suddenly he bump to someone as it grab Jiang Cheng arm. ?!

Jiang Cheng turned his attention to the person and was surprised to see Lan XiChen beside him holding his arm. "Lan XiChen?!"

Jiang Cheng who look panicked to see his old friend Lan XiChen appeared of no where behind him, "oh no. Back then, Lan XiChen had seen with his own eyes how I use the flute to control corpses." Said Jiang Cheng to his thoughts, the two of them stared each other's eyes..

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