Sick Heat

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Amidst the excitement of the NBA season, a sudden turn of events led Y/n to make a heartfelt decision. On November 6, 2023, the Lakers were scheduled to face the Miami Heat, a matchup filled with anticipation.

However, the joy of the game took a back seat as Y/n found himself faced with a family situation.

Y/n Junior, their bundle of joy, had come down with a fever, and Jenna, feeling under the weather, needed rest and care. In that moment, the choice was clear – family always came first.

As Y/n held Y/n Junior in his arms, a concerned expression on his face, he knew that being by their side was the only place he wanted to be. Jenna, seated on the couch, sighed softly, appreciating the support from her husband .

"I hate to miss the game, but family comes first, right, little buddy?" Y/n said, gently stroking Y/n Junior's forehead.

The little one, nestled against his father, responded with a weak smile, as if understanding the love surrounding him.

Jenna, wrapped in a cozy blanket, managed a smile despite feeling unwell. "We appreciate you being here, Y/n. It means the world to us."

Y/n nodded, his commitment to his family unwavering. "I wouldn't want to be anywhere else. You and Y/n Junior are my top priority."

As the Lakers game played on the television in the background, Y/n settled into a makeshift nest of pillows and blankets on the living room floor. Y/n Junior, with a soft whimper, snuggled closer to his father.

Throughout the day, Y/n seamlessly transitioned from basketball fan to nurturing parent. He prepared a bowl of warm soup for Jenna, ensuring she stayed hydrated, and expertly juggled checking Y/n Junior's temperature while soothing him with gentle words.

Jenna, grateful for Y/n's presence, expressed her feelings. "I married a basketball superstar, but today, I'm thankful for the caring father and partner you are."

Y/n responded with a warm smile, his attention divided between his family and the ongoing game updates.

Despite not being in Miami with his team, he remained connected to the action through sporadic glances at the TV.

As the day unfolded, Y/n's nurturing side shone through. He read Y/n Junior's favorite story, the soothing cadence of his voice filling the room.

The Lakers game became a background sound to this domestic scene, a stark contrast to the usual arena cheers.

As night fell, Y/n tucked Y/n Junior into bed, placing a gentle kiss on his forehead. Jenna, feeling better with the care she received, joined them in the bedroom.

Y/n sat on the edge of the bed, the glow of the TV casting a soft light. "Sorry I couldn't make it to the game, but I'm here with my two favorite people."

Jenna leaned in, sharing a tender moment. "You're our MVP, Y/n."

In the living room, Y/n sat beside Jenna, a sense of calm settling over them despite the circumstances.

He glanced at the clock, recognizing that the Lakers were battling it out on the court without their star player. It was a sacrifice willingly made for the well-being of his family.

The Lakers' fate, sealed by a one-point loss and a missed game-winning shot, was a bittersweet realization for Y/n.

While he undoubtedly felt a twinge of longing for the court, the warmth of family and the shared moments of caregiving outweighed any disappointment.

A collective sigh filled the room as Y/n processed the outcome. Despite the disappointment, he maintained a composed demeanor. "Tough break," he remarked, his focus shifting from the TV to Jenna and Y/n Junior.

Doing what I wantTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon