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During an Instagram Live session with Jenna, Y/n addressed a question from one of the viewers that brought up Giannis Antetokounmpo's recent comments:

Viewer: Y/n, what do you think about what Giannis said about you not being a threat and him not fearing you?

Y/n: (laughs) Wait, what did Giannis say exactly?

Jenna: (grinning) He said he doesn't fear you and that you can't beat all five of them. And They're planning to break you in Game 7.

Y/n: (smirks) Ah, I see. Well, first of all, I appreciate Giannis for keeping the banter alive. It's all part of the game, you know. As for being a threat or not, that's something that will be determined on the court. I'm here to compete, to give everything I have for my team. If they think I'm not a threat, I guess they'll find out soon enough.

And as for facing all five of them, well, it's not one against five, it's a team effort. We've got a game plan, and we're ready to execute it."

Jenna: (playfully) So, you're not worried about their strategy?

Y/n: (grinning) Not at all. We've got a game plan too, and it's focused on playing to our strengths and exploiting their weaknesses. It's going to be a battle, and I can't wait to step out on that court.

Y/n: (smirks) And as for being called a fourth option, well, I won't deny that. We've got an incredible team with LeBron, AD, and D'Lo—everyone brings something unique to the table. But being a fourth option doesn't mean I'm any less capable.

It's about seizing the opportunities and making the most of them. Giannis is a fantastic player, no doubt about it. But I'm confident in my abilities and what I bring to my team.

So, Giannis, if you're watching, let's settle this on the court. It's going to be an epic showdown, and I'm ready to prove that being a fourth option doesn't define my impact. Let's see who comes out on top.'

Jenna: (nodding) There you have it, folks. Game 7 is going to be one for the books. Y/n, thanks for addressing that question with your trademark confidence.

Y/n: (grinning) Thanks, Jenna. And to everyone watching, get ready for an intense battle. We're giving it our all, and I can't wait to see how it all unfolds.

Fan: (commenting) Y/n, do you think if you win the championship this year, you'll have had a better rookie season than Magic Johnson?

Jenna: (reading the comment) That's an interesting question. Y/n, what do you think about that?

Y/n: (smiling) Magic Johnson is a legendary player, and his rookie season was truly remarkable. I have the utmost respect for his accomplishments. If we were fortunate enough to win it all this year, it would be an incredible achievement for our team.

But comparing eras and players is always tricky. I'm just focused on helping my team succeed, giving my best on the court, and leaving a positive impact."

Fan: (commenting) Y/n, do you think you'll pull off a quadruple-double or hit another half-court shot in Game 7?

Y/n: (chuckles) Well, a quadruple-double would be something, wouldn't it? But honestly, I'm not out here trying to chase stats. I'm just focused on doing whatever it takes to help my team win. As for the half-court shot, well, you never know what can happen in the heat of the moment.

My main goal is to play my heart out and contribute in any way I can to bring that championship home. But hey, if those things happen along the way, I won't complain!"

Jenna: (smirks) And I'll be right there cheering you on, ready to celebrate any jaw-dropping plays you decide to pull off!

Y/n: (laughs) That's the spirit, Jenna! But let's keep our eyes on the bigger picture – bringing that trophy back to Los Angeles. That's what it's all about.

Fan 1: (commenting) Y/n, you've been incredibly consistent throughout the playoffs. What's been the key to avoiding a bad game so far?

Y/n: (responding) Great question. I think the key to consistency is preparation and mental focus. Every game, I'm putting in the work to be ready for whatever comes our way.

Fan 2: (commenting) But come on, can he keep it up in Game 7? That's where legends are made. Will he choke under the pressure?

Y/n: (responding) As for Game 7, I embrace pressure. It's what drives me to perform at my best. Choking? Nah, that's not in my vocabulary. We've got a team here that believes in each other, and we're all going out there to give it our all.

Jenna: Couldn't agree more. Y/n's determination is one of the things that makes him special. We're ready for Game 7 and excited to see him shine!

Y/n:  Thanks, Jenna. We're focused and ready to go. Let's bring it home, Lakers!

Fan 3: Y/n, even Skip Bayless seems to believe in you despite the tough situation. How does it feel to have his support?

Y/n: It's always interesting to see different perspectives, and I appreciate anyone who sees the potential in our team. But at the end of the day, it's not about what anyone else thinks. We're locked in as a team, and we're ready to prove ourselves on the court.

Jenna: That's the spirit! We're not here to prove anyone right or wrong, but we're definitely here to show what we're capable of.

Y/n: Exactly, Jenna. It's about focusing on our game and giving it everything we've got. That's the mindset that's gotten us this far, and it's the one that will carry us through Game 7 and beyond.

Fan 4: Y/n, with Game 7 on the horizon, can we expect to see LeBron, AD, and D'Lo supporting you from the bench?

Y/n: Absolutely, they're all part of this brotherhood, and even though they're dealing with injuries, their presence and support mean a lot to us. We're a team on and off the court, and having them on the sideline will be a big boost for our morale. We're in this together, and that camaraderie is what fuels us.

Fan 5: Y/n, making it to the NBA Finals is a significant achievement. What does it mean to you to be competing at this level?

Y/n: Being here in the NBA Finals is a dream come true. It's the culmination of years of hard work, dedication, and the unwavering support of my teammates, coaches, and, of course, the Lakers fans.

Jenna: (smiles) And I couldn't be prouder of him. Y/n's journey to this point has been incredible, and seeing him on this stage is truly inspiring.

Fan 6: Y/n, could you share a bit more about the personal motivation that drives you?

Y/n: Absolutely. When I was 14, I lost my parents, and that loss has always fueled me to excel on a whole other level. Every time I step on that court, I play not just for myself, but for them too. Playing and working out is how I grieve, and having Jenna by my side has been a constant source of strength as well.

Jenna: (nods) Y/n's resilience and determination have been remarkable. He's turned his adversity into something incredibly positive, and it's amazing to see how far he's come.

Fan 7: With Game 7 on the horizon, what's your mindset going into the final matchup?

Y/n: My mindset is all about giving it everything I've got. Our journey to this point has been filled with challenges and victories, and Game 7 is the culmination of that. I've always believed in the strength of this team, and we're going to leave it all on the court.

Jenna: We're all in this together, and no matter what, we're proud of how far Y/n has come. We're going to give it our all and make this moment count.

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