Back to where it started

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With the engagement ring securely tucked away in his pocket, Y/n spent the evening preparing for the most important moment of his life.

He thought about the countless memories he and Jenna had created over the past few years.

Their love had grown stronger with each passing day, and he couldn't wait to take the next step.

As the sun dipped below the Los Angeles skyline, painting the sky with hues of orange and pink, Y/n felt a mixture of excitement and nervousness. It was time to create a memory that would last a lifetime.

James pulled up to their home, and Y/n stepped out of the car. He felt the weight of the ring in his pocket, a symbol of his commitment and love.

Y/n turned to James, who had a reassuring smile on his face. "Alright, James. It's time to find that perfect moment."

James chuckled, giving his younger brother an encouraging pat on the back. "You got this, Y/n. She's going to love it. Where do you plan to propose?"

Y/n leaned in, speaking in a hushed tone to keep the surprise intact. "Remember that gas station where Jenna and I first met?"

James raised an eyebrow, that mischievous grin returning. "Yeah, I remember."

With a firm nod and the confidence of a man deeply in love, Y/n bid James farewell and watched his brother's car disappear into the night.

The stage was set for a proposal that would bring their love story full circle, back to the place where it all began.

The next day, Y/n couldn't contain his excitement. He woke up early, his heart racing with anticipation. Today was the day he would ask Jenna to be his forever.

As he went about his morning routine, Y/n couldn't help but think about the incredible journey they had been on together.

From that chance meeting at the gas station to all the adventures, laughter, and love they had shared, it had been an unforgettable few years.

He carefully selected his outfit for the day, wanting everything to be perfect. Then, he went over the plan in his mind one more time, ensuring that every detail was in place.

With the engagement ring safely in his pocket and a heart full of love, Y/n set out to create a beautiful and unforgettable moment in their shared history.

The day seemed to pass in a whirlwind of excitement and nervous energy for Y/n. He couldn't focus on anything else; all he could think about was the moment that lay ahead.

As the afternoon sun bathed Los Angeles in a warm, golden glow, Y/n knew it was time.

He had planned to propose at sunset, just like in all those romantic movies they had watched together. It felt like the perfect way to capture the magic of this day.

Y/n texted Jenna, asking her to meet him at the very place where their story had begun—the gas station. He didn't provide any details, just that he wanted to take her somewhere special.

Jenna, curious but always up for an adventure, agreed without hesitation. She had no idea what awaited her, but she knew it would be something memorable.

Arriving at the gas station, Y/n's heart raced. He had rehearsed his words a hundred times in his head, but now that the moment was here, he felt a rush of emotions. The gas station seemed ordinary, but to Y/n, it was the most extraordinary place in the world.

He looked around, memories of that day when they had first met flooding back. The snacks aisle, the soft hum of the fluorescent lights, and Jenna, standing there with a playful glint in her eyes.

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