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The day before Y/n's wedding was filled with anticipation, laughter, and a sense of camaraderie as he decided to spend some quality time with his closest friends and teammates.

It was a day meant for relaxation and fun before the grand celebration of his wedding day.

Y/n had always been a big fan of video games, and what better way to unwind with friends than a trip to the local arcade?

He called up James, D'Lo, Lebron, Cedi, AD, Darius Garland, Donovan Mitchell, and Evan Mobley, and they all eagerly agreed to join him for a day of gaming.

They arrived at the arcade, a place filled with the nostalgic sounds of pinball machines, the dazzling lights of arcade cabinets, and the delightful scent of popcorn.

As they entered, Y/n couldn't help but smile. This was going to be a day to remember.

The group gathered around the ticket counter, where they each received a handful of tokens.

With a competitive spirit, they decided to divide into pairs for some friendly gaming rivalry. Y/n and Lebron paired up,

D'Lo and Evan Mobley teamed up, while Cedi and AD formed another duo. Donovan and Darius opted to face off in a series of one-on-one challenges.

Their first stop was at the classic air hockey table. Y/n and Lebron faced off against Cedi and AD.

The puck slid back and forth, and the cheers of the crowd, mostly made up of kids, seemed to energize them.

In a close match, Y/n and Lebron emerged victorious.

After air hockey, they moved to the dance dance revolution machine. This time, they challenged each other individually to a dance-off.

The crowd couldn't believe their eyes as professional athletes tried their best to mimic the dance moves on the screen.

Y/n, known for his agility on the basketball court, surprisingly showed off some impressive dance moves.

Lebron, always the showman, gave it his all, drawing applause from onlookers. Cedi and AD were equally entertaining, with Cedi's rhythm surprising everyone.

D'Lo and Evan Mobley, not to be outdone, had a dance-off of their own. Their long limbs moved gracefully, and their coordination left everyone in awe.

Meanwhile, Donovan and Darius showcased some unorthodox but entertaining dance moves, earning cheers from their friends.

They moved on to classic arcade games like Pac-Man, Galaga, and Street Fighter. Laughter filled the room as they competed for high scores and bragging rights.

Y/n, with his quick reflexes, excelled at Pac-Man, while Lebron dominated in Street Fighter.

Evan Mobley, surprisingly, turned out to be a skee-ball prodigy, racking up a massive number of tickets from the game.

He promised to give all his tickets to Y/n as a wedding gift, and they shared a laugh.

As the day went on, they couldn't resist trying their luck at the redemption games. Y/n was particularly drawn to the claw machine.

He was determined to win a plush toy for Jenna, a small token of his affection before their big day.

After several attempts, he finally grabbed a cuddly bear, and his smile said it all.

Amidst the excitement and gaming frenzy, they took a break to enjoy some pizza and soda. They reminisced about their time together on the Lakers, the challenges they had faced, and the victories they had celebrated.

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