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Jenna smiled, holding Y/n junior in her arms, "You did it, Y/n. We're so proud of you."

Y/n, cradling his son, grinned back, "We did it. This championship is for all of us. I couldn't have done it without your support."

Y/n junior gurgled happily, seemingly aware of the joyous atmosphere around him.

As they prepared for the championship parade, Y/n reflected on the challenges, the sacrifices, and the sheer determination that brought them to this triumphant moment.

Jenna added, "This is just the beginning. Our little champ is going to grow up knowing his dad is a legend."

Y/n chuckled, "Well, I couldn't ask for a better team than you and him. Now, let's go enjoy this parade as a family."

The championship parade kicked off with a majestic display of the Larry O'Brien trophies, gleaming symbols of the Lakers' recent dominance.

Anthony Davis, clad in his Lakers jersey, proudly held the 2020 Larry O'Brien Trophy, a reminder of the team's resilience and triumph.

Beside him, Y/n cradled the Larry O'Brien Trophy from 2021, the golden insignia of a Finals MVP. The trophy, a testament to Y/n's individual brilliance and the Lakers' collective strength, shone in the California sun.

LeBron James, a towering figure in Lakers history, hoisted the 2022 Larry O'Brien Trophy with a beaming smile.

The crowd erupted in cheers as LeBron, a seasoned champion, acknowledged the significance of the team's continuous success.

Meanwhile, D'Angelo Russell (really should be AR15), a key contributor to the Lakers' latest triumph, held the 2023 Larry O'Brien Trophy.

The newest addition to the collection, this trophy represented the Lakers' resounding statement of supremacy in the league.

As the parade progressed through the jubilant streets of Los Angeles, Y/n took a moment to address the crowd. Standing before a sea of purple and gold, he spoke with gratitude and humility.

"First and foremost, I want to thank each and every one of you for being here today. This is a celebration for the city, for the Lakers family," Y/n began, his voice resonating through the crowd. "To be part of a three-peat, to hold these trophies alongside legends like AD and LeBron, it's truly humbling."

LeBron James stepped forward, his charismatic presence commanding attention. "This four-peat wouldn't have been possible without AD's grit and determination, leading the way in 2020 through thick and thin. And Y/n,"

LeBron continued, gesturing towards the Finals MVP, "what can I say? The man's a force of nature. His leadership and performances have defined an era."

The parade became a grand celebration, with fans cheering, confetti falling, and the city painted in the Lakers' purple and gold.

LeBron put an arm around Y/n's shoulders as the parade moved through the jubilant crowd. In the midst of the celebratory atmosphere, he leaned in and spoke to Y/n, "You know, next year is Bronny's draft. Whatever team picks him, that's where I'll be playing."

Y/n, surprised by the revelation, looked at LeBron with a mix of gratitude and anticipation. "Really? That's huge, LeBron. Teaming up with Bronny is something special."

LeBron nodded, "Family first, always. I've enjoyed our time together, but next season, it's about the James legacy continuing on the court."

The two superstars shared a moment of mutual understanding, acknowledging the significance of family ties in their basketball journeys.

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