Chapter 11: Flying lessons

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A/N: Hey Chickens, so here's the long awaited chapter 11. I have had this chapter done for a while, but family dramas have prevented me from posting it sooner. This is actually quite a long chappie so yeah, hope that's okay.

As Always all original characters and Plot lines are mine, but the HP universe belongs to the lovely Miss J.K.

I own nothing but a lovely little blue smiggle stapler.

Chapter 11: Flying Lessons

The rest of the week passed by reasonably quickly and school began to pick up an almost routine; Wake up, have breakfast, get picked on by Greene, trod through lessons, have heavy debates with Kevin over whether England should become a republic or remain a constitutional monarchy at lunch, have lessons with Snape which always resulted in migraines and truck loads of homework, have a quick dinner, then detention with Filch until curfew. After returning to the dorms, I would write furiously until the homework was done then collapse into bed sometime past midnight.

Detention with Filch is as bad as it sounds. The freaky guy takes pleasure in getting those on detention to do the most disturbing and mundane tasks he can think of and one gets the impression that he spends most of his time thinking of such punishment. The first night of detention, he made me get rid of chewing gum from underneath desks. It was absolutely disgusting. The next night, it was my task to polish all the silverware in the kitchens. The night after that I had to wash the windows in the great hall, balancing on a rickety old wooden ladder while Filch ordered me to work faster. The next night I had to clean the haunted toilets, and I found out the name of the resident ghost; Moaning Myrtle. She was none too happy to see me again and took great pleasure in following me around while I scrubbed all the toilets whining about how terrible it was to be dead.

On Saturday, though, something came to break the boredom of the cycle. All of us, even me who was famous for epic sleep ins, leapt out of bed bright and early Saturday morning and changed into comfortable clothes as we happily walked towards the allocated courtyard at the set time that morning. All of us were buzzing with excitement.

Today was our first flying lesson.

Dumbledore had thought it would be nice for us to learn a skill that most people learnt in their first year, and felt that we would be seriously disadvantaged if we did not take apart in such lessons. We were only too happy to oblige. Ivy had already mastered the basics of flying at a young age, but explained rather forlornly that she had not been on a broom for years. The rest of us were thrilled, as it would be our first time flying.

We met Madame Hooch on a grassy little courtyard which connected the east and west wings of the school together. She was a fierce looking woman with much resemblance to an owl. Her almost white blonde hair was cut short and splayed in a pixie cut. Intense golden narrow eyes watched us approach curiously. She had a tight lipped smile on, her hands planted firmly on her hips as we chattered away. Six brooms sat on the field waiting for us, all old and twisted looking things.

We came to a stop before her and formed into a line, Colin on one end, Will on the other. “Welcome to your first flying lesson. In these lessons you will be taught how to fly and to do so with manners. I do not want you roaring around school grounds like a band of lunatics. Rather, I wish that you behave like the dignified teens that you are. Flying is a noble art, and while many can fly from here to there, not many people can actually master it, and become at one with it.” She spoke with such a stern passion that all of us were hanging on her every word.

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