Broken Soul C.1

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Sasuke- 3:02 p.m. Saturday. september 5 - Hatake/Uchiha home

"Stop reading that trash and pay attention to me for once!" I scream across the living room.

"Hm?" the silver haired man finally looks up from his book, "Something wrong, Sasuke?"

God, I wanted to punch him so bad.

"What's wrong?!Isn't it kind of your job to know that?! Oh, wait. I seem to have forgotten something. You never pay attention to us!"

"What are you talking about? I take great care of you kids," Kakashi says, glaring at me.

"Oh, really? Where's Itachi then?"

"He said he was going over to a friend's house," he says casually, waving the question off.

"No. Right about now Itachi would be on the street, waiting for some sick pervert to pick him up so he can make some money to buy his own place and get the hell out of this dup!" I say angrily, my voice rising with every word until I was shouting again.

"What? You're brother wouldn't do that. He love's it here," he saus before turning back to his book.

"When was the last time you asked us if we liked it here? When was the last time you asked us 'how's school'? When was the last time you saw us happy to be here, living with you?" I scrwam. He was pissing me off, answering everything so calmly.

"Sasuke. Stop yelling. Calm down."

"No! I'm not going to 'calm down' until you finally clue in that you're incapable of taking care of kids! Go ahead! Ask me if I'm happy living here!"

"Are you happy living here?" he sighs.

"No!" I scream. My throat was starting to hurt, but I kept going. "I hate living here! The only time I'm even slightly happy to be here is when I'm high! I hve to do drugs, Kakashi, to enjoy living under your roof!"

"Well there's your problem! Drug's aren't good, Sasuke!"

"I know that, dumbass! You're not listening! You never fucking listen! All you do is sit on your ass and read that trashy porn all day!"

He looked like her was about to say something else, but I was out the door before he could get it out

I keep running, feet hitting the ground hard. I wince as I step on a rock,  regtetting not grabbing my shoes. but I didn't dare go back. I had to make my point. Either he would realize that he has to make some changes or he won't. Hopefully, I won't be there to find out

Naruto- 3:16 p.m. Saturday, Septemver 5- Uzumaki home

"Hey, Naruto?" a feminen voice calls.

"Yeah Dei?" I yell from my room.

"Tobi's going to pick me up soon. Will you be okay by yourslef?"

I roll my eyes. I loved my Sister, but, she acted way to much like a mom.

"I'll be fine, Dei."

"Are you sure? I could call it off."

I run down the stairs.

"You can't do that! Konan will kill you if you don't go to your baby shower!"

I stare at my sister. Her eyes wide with yerroro. Her friend Konan was very scary if she didn't get her way

"I-I see your point..." Hshe says slowly. "B-but, if you get lonely, you're allowed to have a friend over."

I roll my eyes again. By "friend" she meant Sasuke.

"I'll be fine, Dei," I say again more firmly.

Someone knocks at the door and Deidara'seyes widen, this time with happiness. I watch my sister pratically skip to the door and I have to stifle a laugh.

"Tobi-kun~" she squeals as soon as it's open.

"Hey baby," a deep but childish voice says. I wasn't sure if he was reffering to Deidara or the actual baby.

My older sister is about seven months pregnant now, and couldn't be any happier. I was glad for my sister and her boyfriend, but, I was worried too.

When the two if them met, neither  were very responsible. Showing up late for dates, forgettung where they were supposed to meet. But, slowly, they started getting better.

they still weren't quite there though.

I keep watching them through  and see that there's hope. they were really trying for this baby.

"Naruto! Come here!'

"what is it, Dei?: I ask as I walk over to her.

As soon as I'm close enough, he grabs my hand and places it on his stomach. I'm shocked when I feel a little tap against my palm.

"Wow..." I whisper. I wanted to say more, but, I couldn't think straight.

"I know, right! isn't it amazing?"

My sister was gushing again. She always got really excited when the baby made more progress.

"You two better get going," I say, smiling at my sister.

"Ah! I forgot!" Deidara exclaims, pratically dragging Tobi out the door.

I sigh. Luckily I was here to help take care of the baby.

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