Chapter 29: The Matrix

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In Egypt, Jetfire arrives with the others.

Mudflap: Motherf-

Bumblebee flies out along with Sam and the others.

Jetfire: Unh... ah. Well, that wasn't so bad. At least we're still on the right planet.

Wheelie: Hey, that freaking hurt!

Simmons: Oh my God. Where are we?

Mikaela landed on Leo.

Leo: God. Oh my God, what a beautiful face. This would be a perfect moment, except you landed on my testicles. Please, get off.

She gets off.

Leo: Ah, my balls.

Mikaela: Sam!

Sam: Where are we? Simmons!

Simmons: Hey! Yeah!

Leo: Oh my God. Oh my God. What is this? It's Vegas.

Sam: You guys, okay?

Mikaela: Yeah.

Leo: Hey, I think we're in Vegas!

Simmons: That really, really hurt. You're just lucky that I didn't get hurt. People could have gotten killed, okay? And if I would have gotten hurt, you would have heard from my at-

Jetfire: Oh, shut up. I told you I was opening a space bridge. It's the fastest way to travel to Egypt.

Sam: When did you... when did you tell us? You didn't tell us anything. You didn't tell us anything. Why are we in Egypt?

Jetfire: Don't you get snippy with me, fleshling! You were duly informed!

Sam: Can you just stop for a second? Can you focus? Can you tell us why we're in Egypt so we can all have a little bit of semblance of peace of mind?

Jetfire: This planet was visited by our race once before, by our earliest ancestors, a millennium ago. They were on an exploratory mission to harvest Energon, the lifeblood of our race. Without it, we'll all perish, oxidize and rust, like my wretched self! Do you have any idea what it's like to slowly fall apart and die?

Simmons: Let's not get episodic, okay? Old-timer? Beginning. Middle. End. Facts. Details. Condense. Plot. Tell it.

Jetfire: Somewhere buried in this desert, our ancestors built a great machine. It harvests Energon by destroying suns.

Sam: Destroy suns?

Leo: You mean blow them up?

Jetfire: Yes. You see, in the beginning, there were seven Primes, our original leaders along with a few of B-001's ancestors. And they set out into the universe, seeking distant suns to harvest. The Primes and B-001 ancestors set out with one rule. Never destroy a planet with life. Until one of them tried to defy this rule. And his name forevermore was... the Fallen.

He shows them a hologram.

Jetfire: He despised the human race and he wanted to kill you all by turning on that machine. The only way to activate it is with a legendary key called the Matrix of Leadership. A great battle took place over possession of the Matrix. The Fallen was stronger than his brothers and the Autobots, and B-001's ancestors sacrificed their lives so the Primes could steal and hide the Matrix from The Fallen. In the ultimate sacrifice, they gave their lives to seal the Matrix away in a tomb made of their very own bodies, a tomb we cannot find.

The Primes hide the Matrix.

Jetfire: Somewhere, buried in this desert, that- deadly machine remains. The Fallen knows where it is and if he finds the tomb, your world will be no more.

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