Chapter 16: The Yellow Camaro

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At John Marshall High School a teacher was calling students.

Teacher: Okay, Mr. Witwicky, you're up.

Sam empties his bag.

Sam: Sorry, I got a lot of stuff.

Trent: Watch.

Sam: Okay. 

Trent launches a spitball at Sam.

Sam: For my family...

He gets hit by it.

Teacher: Who did... Who did that? People! Responsibility.

Sam: Okay. So, for my family genealogy report, I decided to do it on my great-great-grandfather, who was a famous man, Captain Archibald Witwicky. Very famous explorer. In fact, he was one of the first to explore the Arctic Circle, which is a big deal. In 1897, he took 41 brave sailors straight into the Arctic Shelf. 

At the Arctic Shelf years ago Sam's grandfather was yelling.

Captain: Move faster, men! Move! Chop! Heave! The ice is freezing faster than it's melting! Chop faster! Heave, men! Heave! No sacrifice, no victory! We'll get to the Arctic Circle, lads!

Back with Sam he continues to talk.

Sam:  So that's the story, right? And here we have some of the basic instruments and tools used by 19th-century seamen. This here is the quadrant, which you can get for 80 bucks. It's all for sale, by the way. Like the sextant here. $50 for this, which is a bargain. These are pretty cool. These are my grandfather's glasses. I haven't quite gotten them appraised yet, but they've seen many cool things. 

Teacher: Are you going to sell me his liver? Mr. Witwicky, this isn't show and sell. It's the 11th grade. I don't think your grandfather would be particularly proud of what you're doing.

Sam: I know. I'm sorry. I just, you know, this is all going towards my car fund. You can tell your folks. It's on eBay. I take PayPal. Cold hard cash works, too. And the compass makes a great gift for Columbus Day. 

Teacher: Sam! 

Sam: Sorry. Unfortunately, my great-great-grandfather, the genius that he was, wound up going blind and crazy in a psycho ward, drawing these strange symbols and babbling on about some giant ice man that he thought he'd discovered. 

The bell rings and everyone gets up.

Teacher: Okay. Might be a pop quiz tomorrow. Might not.  Sleep in fear tonight. 

Sam shows the glasses. 

Sam: Here, you want? Here, 50. 40? 30?

Teacher: Sam? 

Sam: Yeah. Sorry, sorry. Okay. Pretty good, right? I'd say a solid B-.

Sam: A B-? 

Teacher: You were hawking your great-grandfather's crap in my classroom. 

Sam: No, kids enjoy... Look, can you do me a favor? 

Teacher: What? 

Sam: Can you look out the window for a second? You see my father? He's the guy in the green car. 

The teacher sees him.

Sam: Yeah. Okay, I wanna tell you about a dream. A boy's dream. And a man's promise to that boy. He looked at me in the eye. He said, "Son, I'm gonna buy you a car. But I want you to bring me $2,and three As." Okay? I got the 2,000 and I got two As. Okay? Here's the dream. Your B-. Dream gone. Kaput. Sir, just ask yourself, what would Jesus do? 

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